This model corresponds to ACabc.Inductor, but uses a different determination of the coefficients.
Instead of x_s, x_m, and r the parameters z_abs, cos(phi), and x_o are used.
z = Z / R_base z_abs = |z| r = real(z) = |z|*cos(phi) resistance x = imag(z) = |z|*sin(phi) inductance dq-components
cpl = x_m/x_s, -1/2 < cpl < 1 coupling coefficient
we have
x0 = x*(1 + 2*cpl)/(1 - cpl) inductance o-component
x_s = (2*x + x0)/3 = x/(1 - cpl) self inductance x_m = -(x - x0)/3 = x*cpl/(1 - cpl) mutual inductance
cpl = x_m/x_s coupling coefficient, -1/2 < cpl < 1 cpl > 0 positive coupling (example lines) cpl < 0 negative coupling (example machine windings) cpl = (x0/x - 1)/(x0/x + 2)
More info see package ACabc.Impedances.