

Modelica Power Systems Library SPOT

The library is a Modelica package providing components to model
power systems both in transient and steady-state mode.

The Users Guide to the library is here.

Copyright © 2004-2007, H.J. Wiesmann.

The Modelica package is free software; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica license, see the license conditions and the accompanying disclaimer here.


 UsersGuideUsers Guide
 SystemSystem reference
 AC1_DCAC 1-phase and DC components
 ACabcAC 3-phase components in abc-representation
 ACdqoAC 3-phase components in dqo-representation
 CommonCommon components
 ControlControl blocks
 DrivesACabcAC drives abc
 DrivesACdqoAC-drives dqo
 GenerationACabcTurbo generator groups abc
 GenerationACdqoTurbo generator groups dqo
 MechanicsMechanical components

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