Contains the pole-pair transformation
pp*airgap.phi = phi_el; airgap.tau = -pp*tau_el;
between the 'electrical' variables phi_el and tau_el and the 'mechanical' variables airgap.phi and airgap.tau.
The connector 'airgap' transfers the electromagnetic rotor-torque to the mechanical system.
The electric reference frame can specified by the machine rotor. Use this choice ONLY if really necessary and care about restrictions. Choosing
isRef = trueinduces
term.theta = {-phi_el_ini, phi_el}and therefore
omega = {0, w_el}not allowing steady-state initialisation for asynchronous machines. Note that
phi_el = pole_pair_number*phi_mechanicalMore info see at 'Machines.Asynchron' and 'Machines.Synchron'.