This model is intended for field-oriented control. The input/output current-signals 'i_meas'/'i_act' represent the pu stator current in the rotor-fixed reference system:
first component (field'): pu current in rotor d-axis second component ('torque'): pu current in rotor q-axis (q 90deg pos vs d)The mapping from current demand to voltage demand is based on the steady-state equations of the machine.
Equivalent circuit is on diagram layer of parameter record ACdqo.Machines.Parameters.*
The model is valid for permanent magnet (excite=2) or reluctance machines (excite=3).
Limit velocity for pm-excitation without field weakening (d-axis current i_s[1]=0).
w_lim = omega_nom/psi_pm
More information see Partials.SynchronBase.