This model uses a position-slope table. It is mainly intended for test-purposes.
Column 1 contains the (horizontal) position in units s_unit (s_unit in "m"). Column 'colData' contains the slope dh/ds of a height profile in dimensionless units.
Both position and slope may be linearly scaled by a factor if 'scale = true' (for example using a normalised height-profile).
The torque load tau is related to a driving force f and a parameter (wheel-) radius r by
tau = f/rThe force as a function of position s corresponds to a mass moving along a height profile with linear and quadratic friction. Flange_p and flange_n are rigidly connected.
Note: If the height h is also needed, it has to be scaled with the factor (slope_perc/100)*D.
Start integration at time = 0.