

The 6th scenario starts out from the 2nd scenario. We now wish to vary the resource utilization rate after the year 1970.


  1. Cellier, F.E. (1991), Continuous System Modeling, Springer-Verlag, New York, ISBN: 0-387-97502-0, 755p.
  2. Forrester, J.W. (1971), World Dynamics, Pegasus Communications, 160p.

Simulate the model six times across 200 years while keeping all six trajectories (plot setup menu). For the six simulation runs, choose different levels of resource utilization after the year 1970:
NRUN2 = {0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5}.

Compute a performance index:
Perf_Index = min_QL + 5*min_dPop;
where min_QL is the minimal quality of life observed between 2000 and 2100, and min_dPop is the largest negative population gradient observed in the same time period.

Plot the performance index across the calendar years between 2000 and 2100 for all six scenarios on a single graph:

NRUN2 = 0.25 and NRUN2 = 0.5 lead to massive die-off, whereas the other scenarios avoid this problem. However in the short run, those scenarios that offer the worst long-term performance are characterized by the best short-term performance. This is the predicament that humanity is currently facing.

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