
Utility models of Meadows' WORLD3 model


Utility models of Meadows' WORLD3 model.


 Agr_Inp_Per_HectAgricultural input per hectare
 BD_RatesBirth and death rates
 Birth_FactorsBirth factors of WORLD3 model
 Ch_Agr_InpChange in agricultural input
 Ch_Lab_Util_Fr_DelChange in delayed labor utilization fraction
 Ch_Perc_Food_RatioChange in perceived food ratio
 Current_Agr_InpCurrent agricultural input
 Death_FactorsNumber of people dying from a given group
 Des_Compl_Fam_SizeDesired complete family size
 Fam_Income_ExpectExpected family income
 Fert_Cont_EffEffective fertility continuation
 FIOA_IndFraction of industrial output allocated to industry
 FoodTotal produced food
 GDP_IndexGross domestic product index
 HEF_Human_Ecological_FootprintHuman ecological footprint
 HWI_Human_Welfare_IndexHuman welfare index
 Industrial_OutputIndustrial output
 Land_Devel_RtLand development rate
 Land_Fert_RegLand fertility regeneration
 Land_Rem_Urb_Ind_UseLand removal for urban/industrial use
 Lifet_Mlt_CrowdLife expectancy multiplier due to crowding
 Lifet_Mult_Hlth_ServLife expectancy multiplier due to health services
 Marg_Prod_Agr_InpAgricultural input for marginally producing land
 Marg_Prod_Land_DevDevelopment of marginally producing land
 Matur_FactorsNumber of people switching groups
 Need_For_Fert_ContNeed for fertility continuation
 P_PPoll_Tech_ChgPercentage of effective pollution technology change
 P_Res_Tech_ChgPercentage of effective resource technology change
 Poll_Intens_IndPollution intensity index
 PPoll_Assim_RtPersistent pollution assimilation rate
 PPoll_Gen_AgrPersistent pollution generated by agricultural output
 PPoll_Gen_IndPersistent pollution generated by industrial output
 PPoll_Gen_RtPersistent pollution generation rate
 PPoll_Tech_Chg_RtPersistent pollution technology change rate
 Res_Tech_Ch_Rt_NRATENon-recoverable resource technology change rate
 S_Avg_Life_Agr_InpAverage life of service sector capital
 S_Avg_Life_Ind_CapAverage life of industrial capital
 S_Avg_Life_Serv_CapAverage life of service sector capital
 S_FIOA_AgrFraction of industrial output allocated to agricultural sector
 S_FIOA_ConsFraction of industrial output allocated to consumption
 S_FIOA_Cons_ConstFraction of industrial output allocated to consumption
 S_FIOA_ServFraction of industrial output allocated to service sector
 S_Fr_Cap_Al_Obt_ResFraction of capital allocated to resource use efficiency
 S_Ind_Cap_Out_RatioIndustrial capital output ratio
 S_Indic_Food_PCIndicated food per capita
 S_Indic_Serv_PCFraction of per capita indicated output allocated to service sector
 S_Land_Life_Mlt_YieldLand Life Yield Factor
 S_Land_Yield_FactLand yield factor
 S_NR_Res_Use_FactNon-recoverable resource utilization factor
 S_PPoll_Gen_FactPersistent pollution generation factor
 S_Serv_Cap_Out_RatioService sector capital output ratio
 S_Yield_Mlt_Air_PollAir pollution factor on agricultural yield
 Service_OutputService sector output
 Total_FertilityTotal fertility
 Yield_Tech_Chg_RtYield technology change rate

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