This components allows to model the mass flow rate and the energy transfer induced by the condensation of a condensable species over a colder surface.
Remark: Condensation is scientifically defined as the transition from gaseous to solid state. However, it is commonly used today for the passage from the gaseous to liquid state. The term “condensation” is therefore used in this report for a transformation corresponding to liquefaction.
The mathematical beyond this module uses a different approach than the filmwise or dropwise condensation where the main assumption remains that the limiting phenomena is the capability of the film to evacuate the heat from condensation. Here the mains assumptions is that the model for condensation is limited by the capability of the flow of moisture laden vapour to be brought into contact with the cold surface.
During condensation, the heat transfer and mass transfer mechanism can be decomposed by the following steps.
The element limiting the rate of condensation is the ability to bring the mass of moist air into contact to a wall. This is represented by a coefficient βv determined by the following equation:
is the volume flow rate induced by the convection phenomenonβ
is the mass transfer coefficientA
is exchange surface area between the fluid and the wall m_fow
is the mass flow rate of condensationd
is the density of the condensable species d_sat
is the saturation density of the condensable species at the wall surface temperature heatPort.T
As explained at the begining of this description, the fluid of the control volume is first cooled before condensation occurs. For the energy balance, this phase of sensible cooling is not counted as heat exchange by condensation because it has already been in the convective exchange model. The additional energy transferred from the fluid into the wall is the latent heat from condensation.
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