


This components computes the heat flow balance between the heat flow from the supply ventilation where fan in present between inlet conditions and the blowing in the control volume and the exhaust assuming steady pressure balance thus steady mass flow balance.

Beacause of the thermal mode only, it assumes that the inlet mass flow rate is always equal to the outlet (the dynamic mass balance is reached generally much faster that the thermal balance). The exhaust temperature is the temperature at port_b and the supply at port_a.

It is assumed that the fan curve pressure vs volume flow rate is linear to the volume flow rate. The aeraulic power is the product of the pressure difference at the boundary of the fan and the volume flow rate a suction.

The enthalpy flow balance to the volume that receive mass derives:

Where :

It is supposed that the specific heat capacity varies linearly with the temperature therefore the mean specific capacity is the specific capacity at the mean temperature.


 MediumMedium in the component

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