


This functions gives the position of the vertices that form segments. The position is computed to insure an equal distance between all the vertices, expected for one of the boundary segment (x[2] - x[1]) if symmetricalMesh is false and both otherwise, where the size of the segment is computed for having a Biot number equal to 0.1.

For the special case where the number of segments N equal 2, the length of the segment is half of the length of the domain and biot layers are ignored.

In order to compute the size of the 'Biot' layer, the user has to supply as input of the function a decouple value for the heat transfer coefficient at the boundary(ies) and the thermal conductivity of the material.

The distance between vertices derives:

Where :

A mesh divided into N segments contains N+1 vertices. That is why the size of x is N+1.


function biotAndUniformGrid
  input Modelica.SIunits.Length L "Length of the domain to mesh";
  input Integer N "number of segments";
  input Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer h "Decoupled value of the heat transfer coefficient";
  input Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity k "Decoupled value of thermal conductivity";
  input Boolean symmetricalMesh = true "Axial symmetry mesh where the axis is the middle of the domain";
  output Modelica.SIunits.Position x[N + 1] "Vector of vertice position";
end biotAndUniformGrid;

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