

 ThermodynamicStateThermodynamic state variables of moist air
 BasePropertiesMoist air base properties record
 setSmoothStateReturn thermodynamic state so that it smoothly approximates: if x > 0 then state_a else state_b
 XsaturationReturn absolute humidity per unit mass of moist air at saturation as a function of the thermodynamic state record
 xsaturationReturn absolute humidity per unit mass of dry air at saturation as a function of the thermodynamic state record
 xsaturation_pTReturn absolute humidity per unit mass of dry air at saturation as a function of pressure p and temperature T
 massFraction_pTphiReturn steam mass fraction as a function of relative humidity phi and temperature T
 relativeHumidity_pTXReturn relative humidity as a function of pressure p, temperature T and composition X
 relativeHumidityReturn relative humidity as a function of the thermodynamic state record
 gasConstantReturn ideal gas constant as a function from thermodynamic state, remains valid with liquid water in the mixture
 r_dTXReturn ideal gas constant as a function from thermodynamic d, T and X, remains valid with liquid water in the mixture
 r_dTX_derReturn ideal gas constant derivative as a function from thermodynamic d, T and X, remains valid with liquid water in the mixture
 gasConstant_XReturn ideal gas constant as a function from composition X (only valid for phi<1)
 moleToMassFractionsReturn mass fractions X from mole fractions
 massToMoleFractionsReturn mole fractions from mass fractions X
 saturationDensityReturn saturation density of steam as a function of temperature T
 saturationDensity_derDerivative function for 'saturationDensity'
 saturationPressureReturn saturation pressure of water as a function of temperature T between 190 and 647.096 K
 saturationPressure_derDerivative function for 'saturationPressure'
 saturationPressureLiquidReturn saturation pressure of water as a function of temperature T in the range of 273.15K to 647.096K (region 4 from the IF97 definition)
 saturationPressureLiquid_derDerivative function for 'saturationPressureLiquid'
 sublimationPressureIceReturn sublimation pressure of water as a function of temperature T between 190 and 273.16 K
 sublimationPressureIce_derDerivative function for 'sublimationPressureIce'
 enthalpyOfVaporizationReturn vaporization enthalpy of condensing fluid
 enthalpyOfLiquidReturn enthalpy of liquid water as a function of temperature T(use enthalpyOfWater instead)
 enthalpyOfGasReturn specific enthalpy of gas (air and steam) as a function of temperature T and composition X (only valide for phi<1)
 enthalpyOfCondensingGasReturn specific enthalpy of steam as a function of temperature T
 enthalpyOfNonCondensingGasReturn specific enthalpy of dry air as a function of temperature T
 enthalpyOfWaterComputes specific enthalpy of water (solid/liquid) near atmospheric pressure from temperature T
 enthalpyOfWater_derDerivative function of enthalpyOfWater
 pressureReturns pressure of ideal gas as a function of the thermodynamic state record
 temperatureReturn temperature of ideal gas as a function of the thermodynamic state record
 T_phXReturn temperature as a function of pressure p, specific enthalpy h and composition X
 densityReturns density as a function of the thermodynamic state record
 d_phXReturns density as a function of pressure p, enthalpy h and composition X
 specificEnthalpyReturn specific enthalpy of moist air as a function of the thermodynamic state record
 h_dTXReturn specific enthalpy of moist air as a function of density d, temperature T and composition X
 h_dTX_derDerivative function of h_dTX
 h_pTXReturn specific enthalpy of moist air as a function of pressure p, temperature T and composition X
 h_pTX_derDerivative function of h_pTX
 isentropicExponentReturn isentropic exponent (only for gas fraction!)
 isentropicEnthalpyApproximationApproximate calculation of h_is from upstream properties, downstream pressure, gas part only
 specificInternalEnergyReturn specific internal energy of moist air as a function of the thermodynamic state record
 specificInternalEnergy_dTXReturn specific internal energy of moist air as a function of density d, temperature T and composition X
 specificInternalEnergy_dTX_derDerivative function for specificInternalEnergy_dTX
 specificEntropyReturn specific entropy from thermodynamic state record
 s_dTXReturn specific entropy of moist air as a function of density d, temperature T and composition X
 s_dTX_derDerivative function of h_dTX
 specificGibbsEnergyReturn specific Gibbs energy as a function of the thermodynamic state record, only valid for phi<1
 specificHelmholtzEnergyReturn specific Helmholtz energy as a function of the thermodynamic state record, only valid for phi<1
 specificHeatCapacityCpReturn specific heat capacity at constant pressure as a function of the thermodynamic state record
 specificHeatCapacityCvReturn specific heat capacity at constant volume as a function of the thermodynamic state record, only valide for phi<1
 dynamicViscosityReturn dynamic viscosity as a function of the thermodynamic state record, valid from 123.15 K to 1273.15 K
 thermalConductivityReturn thermal conductivity as a function of the thermodynamic state record, valid from 123.15 K to 1273.15 K
 isentropicEnthalpyIsentropic enthalpy (only valid for phi<1)
 UtilitiesUtility functions

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