Name | Description |
Examples | |
ComplexMath | |
Easing | |
Interpolation | |
GNU_ScientificLibrary | GNU Scientific Library (GSL) |
cubicRoots_Real | Analytical solution for the real roots of a cubic equation (a*x^3+b*x^2+c*x+d=0) |
cubicRoots_SingleReal | Returns a single real root within the user defined range for a cubic equation (a*x^3+b*x^2+c*x+d=0) |
spliceSigmoid | Smoothing algorithm using the sigmoid function |
sigmoid | |
spliceTanh | Spline interpolation of two functions using the hyperbolic tangent |
spliceTanh_der | Derivative of spliceTanh |
spliceCosN | Smoothing algorithm using the cos^N function |
smoothing_cosN | Smoothing using a*cos(x)^n base function |
smoothMax_exponential | |
smoothMax_exponential_der | |
smoothMax_cubic | |
smoothMax_quadratic | |
smoothMax_splice | Once continuously differentiable approximation to the maximum function using splice |
smoothMin_exponential | |
smoothMin_cubic | |
smoothMin_quadratic | |
smoothMin_splice | Once continuously differentiable approximation to the minimum function using a splice function |
logspace | Create log spaced vector |
logspace_dx | Create log spaced vector and only return the spacing between points |
besselJ | |
gamma_Lanczos | Gamma function using the Lanczos approximation |
factorial | Calculates the factorial of integer n |
regRoot_cinterp | Square root function with cubic interpolation near 0 |
regRoot_cinterp_der | |
regExponent_cinterp | Root function of exponent (x^z) with cubic interpolation near 0 |
regExponent_cinterp_der | |
quadraticCoefficients | Returns the coefficients of a quadritic equation a*x + b*x^2 + c*x^3 from three number pairs (x,y) |
quadraticCurve | Quadratic curve, including linear extrapolation beyond defined curve limits |
variableFactor | Calcutes a matrix f from 0 to 1 that relates a ratio of variable to fixed values |
meanFactor | Calcutes a matrix fA and f that returns the calculates a mean value based on a ratio of variable to fixed values using variableFactor |
interpolate_wLimit | Interpolate in a vector |
interpolate2D | Interpolate a 2D data table |
linspace_1D | Create a linearly spaced 1D array and the special case when n = 1 the average is returned |
linspaceRepeat_1D | Create [m] linearly spaced 1D arrays stored in a [n,m] matrix and the special case when n = 1 the average is returned |
linspaceRepeat_1D_multi | Create a 3D matrix of linearly spaced 1D arrays stored in a [n,m] matrix and the special case when n = 1 the average is returned |
linspace_2Dcorner | Create a linearly spaced 2D matrix from the linear interpolation of 4 corner values |
linspace_2Dedge | Create a linearly spaced 2D matrix from the linear interpolation of 4 edge values |
linspaceRepeat_2Dedge | Create [m] linearly spaced 2D matrix stored in a [n1,n2,m] matrix from the linear interpolation of 4 edge values |
fillArray_1D | create a matrix from an array of values (i.e., fill(val[:],n)) for 1 dimension |
fillArray_2D | create a matrix from an array of values (i.e., fill(val[:],n1,n2)) for 2 dimensions |
fillArray_3D | create a matrix from an array of values (i.e., fill(val[:],n1,n2,n3)) for 3 dimensions |
arrheniusEquation | Arrhenius equation y = A*exp(-(Ea/RT)^b) |
cumulativeSum | |
mean | |
cspline | |
cubicHermiteSpline | |
cubicHermiteSplineLinearExtrapolation | Interpolate using a cubic Hermite spline with linear extrapolation |
splineDerivatives | Function to compute the derivatives for cubic hermite spline interpolation |
isMonotonic | Returns true if the argument is a monotonic sequence |
regStep | Approximation of a general step, such that the approximation is continuous and differentiable |
replaceArrayValues | Replace array values with user specified values at specified index |
indexFilter | Return array of indices from source contained or not contained in target |
integral_TrapezoidalRule | Integral of array y(x) using the trapezoidal rule |
radialspace | Equal volume radial spacing |
max_len_seq | |
max_len_seq_ternary | |
xor | |
max_len_seq_sine | |
max_len_seq__sine_time | Return time sequence interval and initial mls value as the last index |
diff | |
regFun3 | Co-monotonic and C1 smooth regularization function |
clamp | |
findPlace | Find the index next to which the target value fits in the array (requires monotonic array of positive values) |
PerformanceCurve | |
psi | Psi or digamma function: d(gamma)/dx/gamma |
hypergeometric2F1 | |
pochhammer | |
exists | Return true or false for if element is found in the vector |