logspace(start,stop,n) generates a row vector of n logarithmically equally spaced points between decades start and stop and the spacing between values.
For n = 1, logspace returns stop.
n = 10
x[n] = {1,1.29,1.67,2.15,2.78,3.59,4.64,5.99,7.74,10}
dx[n-1] = {0.29,0.38,0.49,0.63,0.81,1.05,1.35,1.75,2.26}
function logspace input Real start "Start value"; input Real stop "Stop value"; input Integer n "Number of generated points"; output Real[n] x "Logarithmically spaced vector"; output Real[n - 1] dx "Spacing between generated points"; end logspace;