The reboiler is modelled as an evaporator with one liquid input and one liquid and vapour output respectively. The model consideres only the shell side of a kettle reboiler. On the inside the reboiler contains a weir which determines the maximum liquid level. Once the liquid level rises above the weir height a liquid stream starts to exit the reboiler. To model this process the francis-weir-formula is used.
Mass and ernergy balances contain both liquid and vapour phases together. This means both phases are at thermodynamic equilibrum at any time.
For now no startup processes from empty and cold states are considered. This means at t=0s the reboiler is already partially filled with liquid that has a temperature near the boiling point.
So far no heat transfer resistance is considered for the heating. The amount of heat introduced into the reboiler is supplied by a real Input and directly accounted for in the energy balance. Also no pressure loss is calculated at the moment.
The model can handle inert substances in the liquid phase. In case the liquid phase contains an inert the user has to specify which substances of the component vector are inert. If any chemical reactions occur they can also be taken into account. Reaction model and correlation for vapour-liquid equilibrium can both be selected via a dropdown menu.
For initialisation the user can opt for either standalone operation or usage in larger systems because in standalone operation it is not possible to initialise the pressure since it is already given by the vapour sink.
Name | Description |
medium to be used in vapour phase | |
medium to be used in liquid phase | |
model for phase equilibrium | |
model for chemical reaction | |
heat transfer mechanism between bulk and wall |