
XRG_Media: medium model for R1234yf and p,h as states


Calculation of fluid properties for Tetrafluoroprop-1-ene (R1234yf) in the fluid region of 0.315 bar (Triple pressure) to 300 bar and 220 Kelvin to 410 Kelvin.


The functions provided by this package shall be used inside of the restricted limits according to the referenced literature.


Richter, M.; McLinden, M. and E. Lemmon:
Thermodynamic Properties 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoroprop-1-ene (R1234yf): Vapor Pressure and p-rho-T Measurements and Equation of State. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2011, 56, 3254-3264.
Akasaka, R.:
Viscosity Correlation for 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene (HFO-1234yf) based on the Extended Corresponding States Model. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2010.
Perkins A., Huber M.:
Measurement and Correlation of Thermal Conductivity of 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoroprop-1-ene (R1234yf) and trans-1,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene (R1234ze(E)). Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2011, 56, 4868-4874.


 ThermodynamicStateThermodynamic state
 BasePropertiesBase properties of R1234yf
 setState_phXSet state for pressure and specific enthalpy (X not used since single substance)
 setState_dTXSet state for density and temperature (X not used since single substance)
 setState_psXSet state for pressure and specific entropy (X not used since single substance)
 setState_pTXSet state for pressure and temperature (X not used since single substance)
 setBubbleStateReturn the thermodynamic state on the bubble line
 setDewStateReturn the thermodynamic state on the dew line
 density_phDensity as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 densityDensity as function of pressure and specific enthalpy | use setState_phX function for input
 temperature_phTemperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 temperatureTemperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy | use setState_phX function for input
 pressurePressure w.r.t. thermodynamic state
 specificInternalEnergySpecific internal energy w.r.t. thermodynamic state
 specificEnthalpySpecific enthalpy w.r.t. thermodynamic state | use setState_phX function for input
 specificEntropySpecific entropy w.r.t. thermodynamic state | use setState_phX function for input if necessary
 saturationTemperatureSaturation temperature in two-phase region
 saturationTemperature_derpDerivative of saturation temperature in two-phase region
 saturationTemperature_der_pTime derivative of saturation temperature in two-phase region
 bubbleDensityDensity of liquid phase w.r.t saturation pressure | use setSat_p function for input
 dBubbleDensity_dPressureDerivative of liquid density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure
 dBubbleDensity_dPressure_der_satTime derivative of liquid density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure
 dewDensityDensity of vapor phase w.r.t saturation pressure
 dDewDensity_dPressureDerivative of vapor density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure
 dDewDensity_dPressure_der_satTime derivative of vapor density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure
 bubbleEnthalpySpecific enthalpy of liquid phase w.r.t saturation pressure
 dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressureDerivative of liquid specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure
 dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure_der_satTime derivative of liquid specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure
 dewEnthalpySpecific enthalpy of vapor phase w.r.t saturation pressure | use setSat_p function for input
 dDewEnthalpy_dPressureDerivative of vapor specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure
 dDewEnthalpy_dPressure_der_satTime derivative of vapor specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure
 dewEntropySpecific entropy of vapor phase w.r.t saturation pressure | use setSat_p function for input
 dDewEntropy_dPressureDerivative of vapor specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | use setState_phX function for input
 dDewEntropy_dPressure_der_satTime derivative of vapor specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | use setState_phX function for input
 bubbleEntropySpecific entropy of liquid phase w.r.t saturation pressure | use setSat_p function for input
 dBubbleEntropy_dPressureTime derivative of liquid specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | use setState_phX function for input
 dBubbleEntropy_dPressure_der_satTime derivative of liquid specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | use setState_phX function for input
 saturationPressureSaturation pressure w.r.t. temperature
 specificHeatCapacityCpSpecific heat capacity at constant pressure | turns inifity in two-phase region! | use setState_phX function for input
 specificHeatCapacityCvSpecific heat capacity at constant volume | use setState_phX function for input
 dynamicViscosityDynamic viscosity w.r.t. temperature and density | use setState_phX function for input
 thermalConductivityThermal conductivity w.r.t. thermodynamic state | use setState_phX function for input
 surfaceTensionSurface tension as a function of temperature (below critical point)
 velocityOfSoundVelocity of sound w.r.t. thermodynamic state (only valid for one-phase)
 isothermalCompressibilityIsothermal compressibility w.r.t. thermodynamic state (only valid for one-phase)
 isobaricExpansionCoefficientIsobaric expansion coefficient w.r.t. thermodynamic state (only valid for one-phase)
 isentropicExponentIsentropic exponent gamma w.r.t. thermodynamic state | not defined in two-phase region | use setState_phX function for input
 specificGibbsEnergySpecific gibbs energy w.r.t. thermodynamic state
 specificHelmholtzEnergyHelmholtz energy w.r.t. thermodynamic state
 density_derh_pDensity derivative by specific enthalpy | use setState_phX function for input
 density_derp_hDensity derivative by pressure | use setState_phX function for input
 isentropicEnthalpyIsentropic enthalpy of downstream pressure and upstream thermodynamic state (specific entropy)
 derivsOf_phDerivatives required for inversion of temperature and density functions
 dt_phDensity and temperature w.r.t. pressure and specific enthalpy
 dtofphOnePhaseDensity and temperature w.r.t. pressure and specific enthalpy in one-phase region
 dtofpsOnePhaseInverse iteration in one phase region (d,T) = f(p,s)
 f_R1234yfCalculation of helmholtz derivatives by density and temperature
 fid_R1234yfHelmholtz coefficients of ideal part
 fres_R1234yfCalculation of helmholtz derivatives
 getPhase_phNumber of phases by pressure and specific enthalpy
 getPhase_psNumber of phases by pressure and entropy
 hofpsTwoPhaseIsentropic specific enthalpy in two phase region h(p,s)
 R1234yf_liqofdTProperties on liquid boundary phase
 R1234yf_vapofdTProperties on vapor boundary phase
 rho_ph_derTime derivative function of rho_ph
 rho_props_phDensity as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 T_ph_derTime derivative function of T_ph
 T_props_phTemperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 setSmoothStateSmooth transition function between state_a and state_b
 dofpTCompute d for given p and T
 hofpTCompute h for given p and T
 phaseBoundaryAssertAssert function for checking threshold to phase boundary


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