

 CheckDoubleSetpointControllerModel for testing the DoubleSetpointController model
 CompareSlewRateLimitersModel for comparing SlewRateLimiters
 TestDeadZoneLinearModel for testing the DeadZoneLinear model
 TestDiscreteTimeSlewRateLimiterModel for testing the TimeSlewRateLimiter model
 TestDiscretizePredictionModel for testing the DiscretizePrediction model
 TestOnOffRelayModel for testing the OnOffRelay model
 TestPIDControllersModel for testing the PIDControllers model
 TestPITriggerModel for testing the PITriggers model
 TestRealVectorExpressionModel for testing the RealVectorExpressions model
 TestSawToothModel for testing a saw tooth signal
 TestSlewRateLimiterModel for testing the SlewRateLimiter model
 TestSlewRateLimiterStepModel for testing the SlewRateLimiterStep model
 TestSplineLimModel for testing the SplineLim model
 TestTrumpetCurvesModel for testing the TrumpetCurves model
 TestVariousSlewRateLimiterModel for testing the VariousSlewRateLimiter model
 TestWeekendPulseModel for testing the model WeekendPulse
 TestDelayedBooleanReplicatorModel for testing the model BooleanReplicator

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