

Models of class type block


 DeadZoneLinearProvide a region of zero output
 HoldBlockReads a "continuous" signal (w small time resolution) and transforms it to a continuous signal with a given step size (w larger time resolution)
 IntegratorResetOutput the integral of the input signal, boolean input allows reset of integral value
 LimPIDResetP, PI, PD, and PID controller with limited output, anti-windup compensation and setpoint weighting
 SmoothLimPIDP, PI, PD, and PID controller with smoothed limited output, anti-windup compensation and setpoint weighting
 VariableSlewRateLimiterLimits the signal with upper and lower boundary based on ClaRa VariableGradientLimiter
 SplineLimSpline smoothed limiter
 SwitchNoEventSwitch between two Real signals without events
 DoubleSetpointControllerSimilar to On/Off Controller this block switches between three states with a hysteresis defined by a bandwidth
 DelayedReplicatorModel for transforming an input value to a vector of n outputs with different delays
 RealToVectorTakes single input signal and puts it in a specific location in a vector (all other elements are zero)
 DiscreteTimeSlewRateLimiterLimits the signal with upper and lower boundary using a discrete block with given sample time
 OnOffRelaisThree state dynamic model - operating at init
 EqualOutput y is true, if input u1 is equal input u2
 BooleanToRealConvert Boolean to Real signal (no event)
 UserDefinedFunctionSISO User defined function
 UserDefinedFunctionMISOMISO User defined function
 FilterPosNegFilter for only positive or negative values
 FirstOrderFirst order transfer function block (= 1 pole, allows Tau = 0 and a gain)
 FirstOrderWithGradientLimFirst order transfer function block (= 1 pole, allows Tau = 0 and a gain)
 LimPIDP, PI, PD, and PID controller with limited output, anti-windup compensation and delayed, smooth activation (if wanted)
 SwitchRampSwitch with ramp switching between signals
 TimerResetWhenTrueTimer measuring the time from the time instant where the Boolean input became true and only resetting when it becomes true again
 TimerConstWhenFalseTimer measuring the time from the time instant where the Boolean input became true and staying constant when it becomes false
 IntegerEqualOutput y is true, if input u is equal to given integer value
 SwitchLessThresholdNoEventOutput y is true, if input u is greater or equal than threshold
 SwitchAtTimeOfDaySwith boolean signal to true for a specific time of day
 SwitchAtSeasonSwith boolean signal to true between two distinct days of the year
 Hysteresis_inputVariableTransform Real to Boolean signal with Hysteresis and variables as input values

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