This function allocates the specific massflowrate of carbon dioxide equivalents of a coupled thermal and eletrical process to the thermal and electrical side based on the efficiencies method.
No physical effects considered.
(no remarks)
(no remarks), just input and output vectors.
(no elements)
The specific mass flow rate of carbon dioxide equivalents is allocated as follows:
The output vector provides the specific mass flow rate of carbon dioxide emissions for the thermal side in first and for the electrical side in second place
no remarks.
No validation needed.
[Mauch et. al.]: Allokationsmethoden für spezifische CO2-Emissionen von Strom und Wärme aus KWK-Anlagen. In: Energiewirtschaftliche
Tagesfragen Bd. 55. Jg. (2010) Heft 9
Created by Jan Braune (, Mar 2015
Revised by Lisa Andresen (, Jun 2015
function AllocationMethod_Efficiencies extends TransiEnt.Basics.Icons.Function; extends Basics.BasicAllocationMethod; end AllocationMethod_Efficiencies;