

Simple merit order model sketch.

Suggested testing procedure:

1. Fix the Demand (for instance : 300 MWh)

2. Vary the offered Renewable Energy amoung (e.g. 0 MWh, 100 MWh, 200 MWh) and see the changes in the resulting power price. As expected, the powerprice decreases with increasing RE-offer and increases with decreasing RE-offer. This is due to the fact that the Marginal costs of the RE are assumed to be zero and a variation in the RE-offer displaces the Offer-Curve according to the merit order.

Suggested testing procedure 2:

- Vary the demand between 0 and 700 and see how the price increases with increasing demand and vice versa.

Assumptions: inelastic demand, stepwise-offers (all plants of one type have the same marginal costs).

Notes: the marginal costs and the offered energy amounts were randomly chosen, these still have to be corrected to reflect the reality.

This is a passive model since it only calculates a power price. For active components which define set points based in the merit order see TransiEnt.Producer.Electrical.Controllers.AGC_MeritOrder and simliar components

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