This model represents an gas storage vessel for real gases.
This model uses the models GasStorage_constXi_L2 or GasStorage_varXi_L2 and can be used for real gases with constant or variable compositions. A heat transfer to the ambient is considered using a wall model (ClaRa.Basics.ControlVolumes.SolidVolumes.CylindricalThickWall_L4 from ClaRa, it can be neglected if wished so) and an outer heat transfer model.
The model is only valid for negligible pressure losses and negligible changes of the heat transfer coefficient inside and outside of the storage (other heat transfer models can be used). For high pressures there are errors due to errors in the gas models.
gasPortIn: Real gas output
gasPortOut: Real gas input
p_gas: signal output of the gas pressure
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Model created by Carsten Bode ( in Oct 2016
Model revised by Carsten Bode ( in Apr 2018 (changes due to ClaRa changes: exchanged wall model, added wall model for top and bottom)
Name | Description |
Material surrounding the storage |