Gas storage components
Name | Description |
Base | |
Check | Check of gas storage models |
GasStorage_constXi_L1 | L1: Model of a simple gas storage volume for constant composition |
GasStorage_varXi_L1 | L1: Model of a simple gas storage volume for variable composition |
GasStorage_constXi_L2 | L2: Model of a simple gas storage volume for constant composition |
GasStorage_varXi_L2 | L2: Model of a simple gas storage volume for variable composition |
UndergroundGasStorageHeatTransfer_L2 | Model of a simple gas storage volume for constant composition with heat transfer to the cavern walls |
UndergroundGasStorageIdealHTInPipes_L2 | Model of a simple gas storage volume with ideal heat transfer in the pipes |
UndergroundGasStoragePressureLossHeatTransfer_L2 | Model of a simple gas storage volume for constant composition with adiabatic inlet and outlet pipes with pressure losses and heat transfer to the cavern walls |
UndergroundGasStoragePressureLoss_L2 | Model of a simple gas storage volume for constant composition with adiabatic inlet and outlet pipes with pressure losses |
GasStorageVesselHeatTransfer_L2 | Gas storage vessel including heat transfer to the environment |