

Example vehicle model architectures. These can be used as the basis for your own vehicle models but are also fully functional vehicle models on their own.


ConventionalAutomaticVehicleConventional automatic transmission vehicle
ConventionalVehicle_AltNamesExtension of ConventionalAutomaticVehicle demonstrating the data dictionary
RearWheelDriveAutomaticVehicleA conventional front-wheel drive automatic transmission vehicle with separate powertrain mounting system for the front axle and engine-transmission systems
ConventionalAutomaticVehicleExternalDriverConventional automatic transmission vehicle using separate driver and driver-interface components
ConventionalManualVehicleConventional manual transmission vehicle
FrontWheelDriveManualVehicleA conventional front-wheel drive manual transmission vehicle including the powertrain mounting systems
PowerSplitHybridPower-split hybrid vehicle model
SeriesHybridSeries hybrid vehicle model
PartialVehicleBasic model for a four wheeled vehicle, requires powertrain components

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