Load models from Eurostag components
Name | Description |
PwLoadVoltageDependence | Load with voltage dependence.Developed by AIA. 2014/03/10 |
PwLoadVDepwithVariation | Load with voltage dependence.Developed by AIA. 2014/03/10 |
PwLoadVWDepwithVariation | Load with voltage and frequency dependence variation.Developed by AIA. 2016/12/10 |
PwLoadwithVariation | Load with a power variation event. 2014/03/10 |
PwLoadPQ | Constant Power load defined by active power P and reactive power Q. 2013 |
PwLoadVoltFreqDependence | Load with voltage and frequency dependence.Developed by AIA. 2016/12/10 |
Copyright 2015-2016 RTE (France), SmarTS Lab (Sweden), AIA (Spain) and DTU (Denmark)
The authors can be contacted by email: info@itesla-ipsl.org
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