Directory testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics/

Directory Created:
2010-05-18 12:23
Directory Deleted:
2012-10-08 11:17
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Lines of Code

testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 198 (100.0%) 12022 (100.0%) 60.7
stebr461 30 (15.2%) 7580 (63.1%) 252.6 102 (51.5%) 1522 (12.7%) 14.9
adrpo 21 (10.6%) 1324 (11.0%) 63.0
wbraun 13 (6.6%) 1103 (9.2%) 84.8
Frenkel TUD 2 (1.0%) 344 (2.9%) 172.0
perost 14 (7.1%) 126 (1.0%) 9.0
mahge930 1 (0.5%) 23 (0.2%) 23.0
alash325 15 (7.6%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

alash325 2012-10-08 11:17 Rev.: 13242

-- testsuite/3rdparty/AVM + testsuite/3rdparty/ThermoSysPro are temporarily moved to testsuite directory + testsiuite/Libraries + testsuite/mofiles + testsuite/3rdparty are deleted from SVN

0 lines of code changed in 15 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (del), CoupledClutches2.mos (del), Damper2.mos (del), ElasticBearing2.mos (del), First2.mos (del), Friction2.mos (del), FrictionRotationalSim.mos (del), InitialConditions2.mos (del), LossyGearDemo1Sim.mos (del), LossyGearDemo2Sim.mos (del), Makefile (del), Oscillator2.mos (del), Sensors2.mos (del), SignConvention2.mos (del), WhyArrows2.mos (del)
Frenkel TUD 2012-04-28 00:28 Rev.: 11818

- BackendDAEOptimize: doReplaceScalarArrayEqns more generic
- BackendDAETransform: simplify code, use stateorder for differentiated equations
- PlanarMechanics: set initialconditions
- Update testsuite

176 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: First2.mos (+176 -176) 2012-03-23 14:02 Rev.: 11511

- Added simulate(..., simflags="flags") option. It will be passed to the simulation executable in the future

906 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+17 -17), Damper2.mos (+154 -154), ElasticBearing2.mos (+158 -158), First2.mos (+177 -177), Oscillator2.mos (+160 -160), Sensors2.mos (+89 -89), SignConvention2.mos (+42 -42), WhyArrows2.mos (+109 -109)
mahge930 2012-03-01 22:48 Rev.: 11260

+ The test-suite makefile now contain DEPENDENCIES. This are the files that are needed for the test cases.
+ "make clean" or (make -j clean) will clean the test-suite. i.e. all files that are not listed as DEPENDENCIES will be cleaned.
For OMDEV/MINGW ppl (linux already has partest)
+ "make threaded" will clean and then run the test-suite with 5 threads (my pc has 4 cores so :) ). (or just use "make -jN")
- 'msl31simulation.log' and 'msl31mediasimulation.log' still give problems with multiple threads. Very strange problem since the
output matches exactly with the expected but for some reason it is compared with outputs from another file. But For now this might help a bit.

Normal test-suite operation is not affected in anyway as far as I can tell. (Just some additions)

23 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Makefile (+23 -1)
adrpo 2011-11-15 12:44 Rev.: 10515

- include the modifiers and dimensions in the dependency analysis in Inst.instElementList
- move annotation checking functions from DAEUtil to SCode.
- convert type of the Value in the binding if needed (to get rid of things like min = 0, instead of min = 0.0)
- in partial instantiation disregard parameters, instantiate only constants.
- rename the really bad name "subs" to restCref in Static.elabCrefSubs.
- clear errors when loadingFileInteractiveQualified API and parseFile API
- added test

- a LOT of tests have changed
- small fixes to tools/validatetest/

913 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+22 -22), Damper2.mos (+176 -176), ElasticBearing2.mos (+172 -172), First2.mos (+171 -171), Oscillator2.mos (+128 -128), Sensors2.mos (+100 -100), SignConvention2.mos (+48 -48), WhyArrows2.mos (+96 -96)
wbraun 2011-08-02 17:55 Rev.: 9588

- added bugfix for dassl tolerance
- added relative comparison for testsuite

488 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: ElasticBearing2.mos (+168 -169), First2.mos (+168 -168), Oscillator2.mos (+152 -152) 2011-05-24 13:45 Rev.: 9088

- Changed the installed library structure to omlibrary/Modelica 3.1 instead of omlibrary/msl31/Modelica
- Testcases now use loadModel(Modelica,{"3.1"}), etc, instead of env.vars

14 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+1 -2), CoupledClutches2.mos (+1 -2), Damper2.mos (+1 -2), ElasticBearing2.mos (+1 -2), First2.mos (+1 -2), Friction2.mos (+1 -2), FrictionRotationalSim.mos (+1 -2), InitialConditions2.mos (+1 -2), LossyGearDemo1Sim.mos (+1 -2), LossyGearDemo2Sim.mos (+1 -2), Oscillator2.mos (+1 -2), Sensors2.mos (+1 -2), SignConvention2.mos (+1 -2), WhyArrows2.mos (+1 -2)
Frenkel TUD 2011-05-03 14:10 Rev.: 8787

- add heuristic state selction rule "state=var+param"
- add function traverseCrefsFromExp
- fix testsuite

168 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: First2.mos (+168 -168)
wbraun 2011-04-15 19:00 Rev.: 8667

- added some bugfixes for initialization and update some testcase to currect values

4 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Damper2.mos (+1), Makefile (+2 -2), WhyArrows2.mos (+1) 2011-04-11 17:15 Rev.: 8586

- Added simulate() option cflags = ""
- Also added a field for this in the OMEdit simulation widget

7 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+1 -1), ElasticBearing2.mos (+1 -1), First2.mos (+1 -1), Friction2.mos (+1 -1), Oscillator2.mos (+1 -1), Sensors2.mos (+1 -1), SignConvention2.mos (+1 -1)
wbraun 2011-03-31 07:01 Rev.: 8420

- Bugfixes for RemoveSimpleEquations
- Bugfixes for Intialization
- Support for Alias Vars in result files

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Makefile (+1 -1)
wbraun 2011-03-24 16:55 Rev.: 8349
- deactivated minmax and nominal assert, due to the fact that Bug [# 1454] is caused.
- changed measure_time_flag to be able activate it by simulation flag "-v"
- added case for generation only the "jacobian" dg/dx with debug flag "+d=jacobian"
- adjusted to "+d=jacobian"
solver_main.cpp and simulation_runtime.cpp:
- activated "euler" solver again, was deactived for some reason.
- added additional solver names : "dassljac" and "dasslnum" for using a symbolic jacobian and own numerical jacobian in dassl.
- clean up some things.
- deactivated some tests that initialise wrong, due to the Bug [# 1455]
- update some tests to correct results.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Makefile (+2 -1) 2011-03-03 14:34 Rev.: 8072

- Added simulate() option measureTime=false
- Not used for now, but will replace the -mt option of simulation executables

7 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+1 -1), ElasticBearing2.mos (+1 -1), First2.mos (+1 -1), Friction2.mos (+1 -1), Oscillator2.mos (+1 -1), Sensors2.mos (+1 -1), SignConvention2.mos (+1 -1) 2011-02-24 08:45 Rev.: 7997

- Updated the default outputFormat of simulations to be .mat
- Only mosfiles-dassl/Sample2.mos changed its output; this seems to be because we have an event at the last time-step. I'll see if we can change the interpolation to always find the right limit

20 lines of code changed in 13 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+2 -2), CoupledClutches2.mos (+1 -1), Damper2.mos (+1 -1), ElasticBearing2.mos (+2 -2), First2.mos (+2 -2), Friction2.mos (+2 -2), InitialConditions2.mos (+1 -1), LossyGearDemo1Sim.mos (+1 -1), LossyGearDemo2Sim.mos (+1 -1), Oscillator2.mos (+2 -2), Sensors2.mos (+2 -2), SignConvention2.mos (+2 -2), WhyArrows2.mos (+1 -1)
wbraun 2011-02-23 15:54 Rev.: 7988

- bugfix in differentiation rule for abs()
- added some improvments in the c_runtime
- adjust the SimCodeC.tpl for the c_runtime
- adjust some testcase and moved some from msl221 examples to failed testcase, because they not simulate correctly anyway.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Makefile (+1 -1)
wbraun 2011-02-17 07:02 Rev.: 7950

- changed default solver to dassl2 (or from now it's called dassl)
- for now old default solver renamed to dasslold

607 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: ElasticBearing2.mos (+169 -168), First2.mos (+168 -168), Friction2.mos (+118 -118), Oscillator2.mos (+152 -152) 2011-02-16 16:33 Rev.: 7947

- Added option variableFilter to translate/buildModel/simulate commands/simulation runtime
- This argument is a regular expression; any variable that matches this expression is present in the result file
- The default value is ".*", which matches _any_ variable
- The regex provided is treated as: ^(%regex%)$, i.e. you are forced to write regular expressions that match the complete name (no substring matches)
- Currently only implemented for plt/csv formats with mat coming in the near future

- Added an error message when a uniontype record contains a field that has the type of a uniontype record instead of a uniontype (this is more specific than the type mismatch error that used to be provided)

57 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+1 -1), ElasticBearing2.mos (+9 -9), First2.mos (+1 -1), Friction2.mos (+1 -1), Oscillator2.mos (+5 -5), Sensors2.mos (+39 -39), SignConvention2.mos (+1 -1)
perost 2011-01-27 18:32 Rev.: 7799

- Changed SCode.COMPONENT to have an Absyn.Info instead of an Option<Absyn.Info>.
- Changed print to proper error message in SCodeEnv.avlTreeAdd2.
- Updated some test cases due to better error messages.

100 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Friction2.mos (+100 -100) 2010-12-31 10:57 Rev.: 7596

- Use teardown_command for msl221/Mechanics tests

14 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+1 -3), CoupledClutches2.mos (+1 -3), Damper2.mos (+1 -3), ElasticBearing2.mos (+1 -3), First2.mos (+1 -3), Friction2.mos (+1 -3), FrictionRotationalSim.mos (+1 -2), InitialConditions2.mos (+1 -3), LossyGearDemo1Sim.mos (+1 -3), LossyGearDemo2Sim.mos (+1 -3), Oscillator2.mos (+1 -2), Sensors2.mos (+1 -3), SignConvention2.mos (+1 -3), WhyArrows2.mos (+1 -3) 2010-12-20 21:05 Rev.: 7520

- Added MSL2 Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Examples.Friction simulation testcase to the testsuite

251 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Friction2.mos (+250), Makefile (+1 -1) 2010-12-20 16:02 Rev.: 7512

- Absyn->SCode now checks if duplicate classes have been defined in the top-level scope
- This includes a check for duplicate builtin classes
- Added testcase
- Removed a duplicate definition in

168 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: First2.mos (+168 -168)
adrpo 2010-12-15 23:39 Rev.: 7422

- updates to simulations due to changes in c_runtime and back-end.

21 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+21 -21)
adrpo 2010-12-10 17:59 Rev.: 7348

- forgot changing back from -b to -v

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Makefile (+1 -1)
adrpo 2010-12-10 17:52 Rev.: 7347

- updates of tests due to changes in trival equation counting.

184 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: ElasticBearing2.mos (+13 -13), First2.mos (+160 -160), Makefile (+1 -1), Oscillator2.mos (+9 -9), Sensors2.mos (+1 -1)
adrpo 2010-12-09 02:38 Rev.: 7326

- added API: getExperimentAnnotation and getSimulationOptions
simulate(Modelica.Blocks.Examples.PID_Controller, outputFormat="empty");
{0.0, 4.0, 500, 1e-06, "dassl", "Modelica.Blocks.Examples.PID_Controller", false, false, "", "plt"}
/* startTime, stopTime, numberOfIntervals, tolerance, method, fileNamePrefix, storeInTemp, noClean, options, outputFormat */
- now the simulate(Model, ...) will read the experiment annotation from the model if there is any and use these settings.
- updated SimulationRecord to display simulation options.
- updated tests to suite the new SimulationRecord.
- added a generic COMPILER_WARNING in and function Error.addCompilerWarning

205 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+1), ElasticBearing2.mos (+22 -21), First2.mos (+165 -164), Oscillator2.mos (+14 -13), Sensors2.mos (+2 -1), SignConvention2.mos (+1)
perost 2010-09-27 15:41 Rev.: 6233

Fixes for bug #1121:
- Removed index from DAE.ET_ENUMERATION, since it no longer needed due to
- Split the list of variables in DAE.T_ENUMERATION into one list containing
literals and one containing attributes.
- Implemented enum->Real implicit type casting.
- Fixed connect with enumeration variables.
- Fixed so that enumerations are basic types.
- Static.elabCref now takes the variables subscripts into account when
determining it's variability.
- Added utility function Util.isPrefixListComp.
- Removed testsuite/mofiles/rtestsim, since it's not used.
- Updated test cases and enabled the Modelica.Electrical.Digital tests.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Makefile (+2 -2) 2010-09-22 18:07 Rev.: 6179

- Added /libraries - a common place for the Modelica libraries we test OpenModelica against
- It is possible to switch between Modelica versions using the following environments:
- OPENMODELICALIBRARY=/libraries/msl221:/libraries/common
- OPENMODELICALIBRARY=/libraries/msl31:/libraries/common
- (Separate with ; on Windows platforms)
- Moved /libraries/testsuite/libraries/ ... msl221 msl31 BioChem to /libraries
- Added ModelicaAdditions, SimpleFluid to /libraries
- Updated testcases to reflect these changes (testcases that load MSL now use loadModel)

28 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+2 -1), CoupledClutches2.mos (+2 -1), Damper2.mos (+2 -1), ElasticBearing2.mos (+2 -1), First2.mos (+2 -1), Friction2.mos (+2 -1), FrictionRotationalSim.mos (+2 -1), InitialConditions2.mos (+2 -1), LossyGearDemo1Sim.mos (+2 -1), LossyGearDemo2Sim.mos (+2 -1), Oscillator2.mos (+2 -1), Sensors2.mos (+2 -1), SignConvention2.mos (+2 -1), WhyArrows2.mos (+2 -1) 2010-09-21 12:34 Rev.: 6159

- Fix svn-eol-style on Makefiles

36 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Makefile (+36 -35)
perost 2010-09-09 17:23 Rev.: 6074

- Implemented option to output annotations in flat modelica.
- Cleaned up Interactive.evaluateGraphicalApi to make it easier to maintain.
- Updated some msl221 test cases that are normally not run, due to Martins
recent changes.

24 lines of code changed in 12 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+2 -1), CoupledClutches2.mos (+2 -1), Damper2.mos (+2 -1), ElasticBearing2.mos (+2 -1), First2.mos (+2 -1), InitialConditions2.mos (+2 -1), LossyGearDemo1Sim.mos (+2 -1), LossyGearDemo2Sim.mos (+2 -1), Oscillator2.mos (+2 -1), Sensors2.mos (+2 -1), SignConvention2.mos (+2 -1), WhyArrows2.mos (+2 -1) 2010-05-31 09:43 Rev.: 5589

- Added Unix make target "fix-svn-eol-style"
- Fixed line ending for all .mo and .mos-files in Compiler/ and testsuite/

14 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+1), CoupledClutches2.mos (+1), Damper2.mos (+1), ElasticBearing2.mos (+1), First2.mos (+1), Friction2.mos (+1), FrictionRotationalSim.mos (+1), InitialConditions2.mos (+1), LossyGearDemo1Sim.mos (+1), LossyGearDemo2Sim.mos (+1), Oscillator2.mos (+1), Sensors2.mos (+1), SignConvention2.mos (+1), WhyArrows2.mos (+1)
stebr461 2010-05-18 13:33 Rev.: 5544

- 2 new targets have been added to msl221/Makefile: sim and simfailingtest

31 lines of code changed in 15 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (+2 -2), CoupledClutches2.mos (+1 -1), Damper2.mos (+2 -2), ElasticBearing2.mos (+1 -1), First2.mos (+1 -1), Friction2.mos (+1 -1), FrictionRotationalSim.mos (+1 -1), InitialConditions2.mos (+1 -1), LossyGearDemo1Sim.mos (+1 -1), LossyGearDemo2Sim.mos (+1 -1), Makefile (+14 -1), Oscillator2.mos (+1 -1), Sensors2.mos (+1 -1), SignConvention2.mos (+1 -1), WhyArrows2.mos (+2 -2)
stebr461 2010-05-18 12:23 Rev.: 5543

- Moved the simulation tests in msl into separate directories

7549 lines of code changed in 15 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl221/Mechanics: Accelerate2.mos (new 122), CoupledClutches2.mos (new 1241), Damper2.mos (new 591), ElasticBearing2.mos (new 618), First2.mos (new 591), Friction2.mos (new 292), FrictionRotationalSim.mos (new 558), InitialConditions2.mos (new 643), LossyGearDemo1Sim.mos (new 604), LossyGearDemo2Sim.mos (new 838), Makefile (new 22), Oscillator2.mos (new 538), Sensors2.mos (new 344), SignConvention2.mos (new 217), WhyArrows2.mos (new 330)
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