Directory testsuite/libraries/msl31/Modelica/Images/MultiBody/Joints/

Directory Created:
2010-09-14 08:10
Directory Deleted:
2012-10-08 11:17
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:



Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 32 (100.0%) 0 (-) 0.0
alash325 16 (50.0%) 0 (-) 0.0
adrpo 16 (50.0%) 0 (-) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

alash325 2012-10-08 11:17 Rev.: 13242

-- testsuite/3rdparty/AVM + testsuite/3rdparty/ThermoSysPro are temporarily moved to testsuite directory + testsiuite/Libraries + testsuite/mofiles + testsuite/3rdparty are deleted from SVN

0 lines of code changed in 16 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl31/Modelica/Images/MultiBody/Joints: Cylindrical.png (del), FreeMotion.png (del), JointRRP.png (del), JointRRR.png (del), JointSSP.png (del), JointSSR.png (del), JointUPS.png (del), JointUSP.png (del), JointUSR.png (del), Planar.png (del), Prismatic.png (del), Revolute.png (del), Spherical.png (del), SphericalSpherical.png (del), Universal.png (del), UniversalSpherical.png (del)
adrpo 2010-09-14 08:10 Rev.: 6115

- added Modelica 3.1 to the testsuite/libraries/msl31
This is a copy from:
- added tests for bug: #1156

0 lines of code changed in 16 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/msl31/Modelica/Images/MultiBody/Joints: Cylindrical.png (new), FreeMotion.png (new), JointRRP.png (new), JointRRR.png (new), JointSSP.png (new), JointSSR.png (new), JointUPS.png (new), JointUSP.png (new), JointUSR.png (new), Planar.png (new), Prismatic.png (new), Revolute.png (new), Spherical.png (new), SphericalSpherical.png (new), Universal.png (new), UniversalSpherical.png (new)
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