This partial model contains parameters and variables needed to parametrize a generic cable. The resistance, inductance and capacitance are computed by the functions associated to the type of cable selected. The type of cable is specified using a record that inherits from BuildingSystems.Electrical.Transmission.BaseClasses.BaseCable such as ( BuildingSystems.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables.Generic or BuildingSystems.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.Generic). The record contains functions that depending on the properties of cable compute its resistance, inductance or capacitance.
The model has two parameters use_C
and modelMode
change the behaviour of the model. It is possible to include the effects
of a capacity or select the model to be dynamic or steady state. More information
are available in the line models that extends this partial model.
If mode = commercial
, the user can select the type of cable from a list
of commercial cables. The cables are divided in three different categories:
The details and type of cables can be found in BuildingSystems.Electrical.Transmission.LowVoltageCables and BuildingSystems.Electrical.Transmission.MediumVoltageCables.
If mode = automatic
, the type of cable is automatically selected
depending on the value of the parameters V_nominal
More details about the functions that compute the type of cable and its properties can be found in BuildingSystems.Electrical.Transmission.Functions.
The parameter commercialCable
is assumed to be
The parameter is replaceable so it can be redeclared using a different type, for example
The example models
BuildingSystems.Electrical.AC.ThreePhasesBalanced.Lines.Examples.ACLineMedium and
show how this can be done.