The CHP plant switches between six possible operating modes depending on the current mode, control signals and plant boundary conditions. The regular transition between them is as follows:
From the off mode:
becomes true.
From the stand-by mode:
becomes true.
becomes false, the CHP will automatically change to the off mode.
From the pump-on mode:
is greater than
the minimum mWatMin_flow
becomes false, the CHP will automatically change to the off mode.
From the warm-up mode:
is true)
or when the engine temperature TEng
becomes higher than the
nominal temperature TEngNom
(if warmUpByTimeDelay
is false).
becomes false or if the water flow rate mWat_flow
becomes less than the minimum mWatMin_flow
, the CHP will automatically
change to the cool-down mode.
From the normal mode:
becomes false or if the water flow rate mWat_flow
becomes less than the minimum mWatMin_flow
From the cool-down mode:
is true, the CHP will change to the stand-by mode; else,
it will change to the off mode.
is false), the plant has to complete the cool-down period before it can be reactivated.
If the CHP has the optional cool-down configuration (if coolDownOptional
is true), the plant may imediatelly change to the warm-up mode if it gets reactivated
(runSig= true