Boundary Conditions for Components
Name | Description |
Check | |
BoundaryVLE_hxim_flow | A boundary defining mass flow composition and enthalpy |
BoundaryVLE_Txim_flow | A boundary defining temperature, composition and mass flow |
BoundaryVLE_phxi | A boundary defining pressure, enthalpy and composition |
BoundaryVLE_pTxi | A boundary defining pressure, temperature and composition |
BoundaryGas_Txim_flow | A gas source defining mass flow, temperature and composition |
BoundaryGas_pTxi | A gas source defining pressure, Temperature and composition |
BoundaryFuel_Txim_flow | A source defining mass flow, temperature and composition |
BoundaryFuel_pTxi | A source defining pressure, temperature and composition |
BoundarySlag_Tm_flow | A source defining mass flow and temperature |
BoundarySlag_pT | A source defining pressure and temperature |
PrescribedMassFlowVLE | A mass flow anchor with prescribed mass flow rate |
PrescribedHeatFlow | Prescribed heat flow boundary condition 1D |
PrescribedHeatFlowScalar | Prescribed heat flow boundary condition |
GasCompositionByMassFractions | set (flue) gas composition graphically |
GasCompositionByVolFractions | set (flue) gas composition graphically by volume fractions |
BoundaryElectricFrequency | |
Ambience | |
PrescribedMassFlowGas | A mass flow anchor with prescribed mass flow rate |
PrescribedHeatFlowVLE | A heat flow anchor with prescribed heat flow rate |