Base models for HVDC links
Name | Description |
BaseDiagramPQTerminal1 | Base dynamic model for a PQ diagram at terminal 1 |
BaseDiagramPQTerminal2 | Base dynamic model for a PQ diagram at terminal 2 |
BaseFixedReactiveLimits | Base dynamic model for fixed reactive limits |
BaseFixedReactiveLimitsDangling | Base dynamic model for fixed reactive limits at terminal 1 |
BaseHvdc | Base dynamic model for HVDC links |
BaseHvdcP | Base dynamic model for HVDC links with a regulation of the active power |
BaseHvdcPDangling | Base dynamic model for HVDC links with a regulation of the active power and with terminal2 connected to a switched-off bus |
BaseHvdcPDanglingDiagramPQ | Base dynamic model for HVDC links with a regulation of the active power and with terminal2 connected to a switched-off bus. The reactive power limits are given by a PQ diagram. |
BaseHvdcPDanglingFixedReactiveLimits | Base dynamic model for HVDC links with a regulation of the active power and with fixed reactive power limits |
BaseHvdcPDiagramPQ | Base dynamic model for HVDC links with a regulation of the active power and with a PQ Diagram at each terminal |
BaseHvdcPFixedReactiveLimits | Base dynamic model for HVDC links with a regulation of the active power and with fixed reactive power limits |
BasePQProp | Base dynamic model for proportional reactive power control |
BasePQPropDangling | Base dynamic model for proportional reactive power control at terminal 1 |
BasePTanPhi | Base dynamic model for P/tan(Phi) control |
BasePTanPhiDangling | Base dynamic model for P/tan(Phi) control at terminal 1 |
BasePV | Base dynamic model for PV control |
BasePVDangling | Base dynamic model for PV control at terminal 1 |
BaseQStatus | Base dynamic model QStatus |
BaseQStatusDangling | Base dynamic model QStatus at terminal 1 |
BaseVoltageRegulation | Base dynamic model for Hvdc voltage regulation |
BaseVoltageRegulationDangling | Base dynamic model for Hvdc voltage regulation at terminal 1 |