The 3 signals of the torque connector are interpreted as the x-, y- and z-coordinates of a torque acting at the frame connector to which frame_b of this component is attached. Via parameter resolveInFrame it is defined, in which frame these coordinates shall be resolved:
Types.ResolveInFrameAB. | Meaning |
world | Resolve input torque in world frame |
frame_a | Resolve input torque in frame_a |
frame_b | Resolve input torque in frame_b (= default) |
frame_resolve | Resolve input torque in frame_resolve (frame_resolve must be connected) |
If resolveInFrame = ResolveInFrameAB.frame_resolve, the torque coordinates are with respect to the frame, that is connected to frame_resolve.
If torque={100,0,0}, and for all parameters the default setting is used, then the interpretation is that a torque of 100 N.m is acting along the positive x-axis of frame_b.
Note, the cut-forces in frame_a and frame_b (frame_a.f, frame_b.f) are always set to zero and the cut-torque at frame_a (frame_a.t) is the same as the cut-torque at frame_b (frame_b.t) but with opposite sign.
An example how to use this model is given in the following figure:
This leads to the following animation (the yellow cylinder characterizes the line between frame_a and frame_b of the Torque component, i.e., the torque acts with negative sign also on the opposite side of this cylinder, but for clarity this is not shown in the animation):