//Real T, T_min, T_max, colorMap[:,3]; Colors.scalarToColor(T, T_min, T_max, colorMap);
This function returns an rgb color Real[3] that corresponds to the value of "T". The color is selected from the colorMap by interpolation so that "T_min" corresponds to "colorMap[1,:]" and "T_max" corresponds to "colorMap[end,:]".
function scalarToColor extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real T "Scalar value" annotation( Dialog); input Real T_min "T <= T_min is mapped to colorMap[1,:]" annotation( Dialog); input Real T_max "T >= T_max is mapped to colorMap[end,:]" annotation( Dialog); input Real colorMap[:, 3] "Color map" annotation( Dialog); output Real color[3] "Color of scalar value T"; end scalarToColor;