This package contains components to operate on Boolean signals.
This package is not part of the Modelica standard library, because it is planned to vectorize all components and to support alternatively the American symbols for the logical operators.
Release Notes:
Copyright © 2000-2002, DLR.
The ModelicaAdditions.Blocks.Logical package is free software; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica license, see the license conditions and the accompanying disclaimer in the documentation of package Modelica in file "Modelica/".
Name | Description |
Interfaces | |
NOT | Logical NOT Block |
OR | Logical OR Block |
AND | Logical AND Block |
XOR | Logical Exclusive OR Block |
NOR | Logical NOR Block |
NAND | Logical NAND Block |
LogicalSwitch | Logical Switch |
Switch | Switch between two Real signal vectors |
TriggeredTrapezoid | Triggered trapezoid generator |
Boolean2Real | Convert Boolean to Real signals |
GreaterThan | Outputs true, if input is greater than threshold |
GreaterEqual | Outputs true, if input is greater than or equal to threshold |
LessThan | Outputs true, if input is less than threshold |
LessEqual | Outputs true, if input is less than or equal to threshold |
Hysteresis | Transform Real to Boolean with Hysteresis |
OnOffController | On-off controller |
Compare | True, if signal of inPort1 is larger than signal of inPort2 |
ZeroCrossing | Trigger zero crossing of input signal |