Generally, the functions in this package should not be used by the user.
This package contains functions which cannot be used in an arbitrary way and require particular knowledge. Therefore, only advanced users should deal with contained classes.
Name | Description |
Newton's method with exact line search for solving continuous algebraic riccati equation | |
Newton's method with exact line search for solving continuous algebraic riccati equation | |
Compute eigenvalues and unnormalized eigenvectors | |
Compute eigenvalues of an upper Hessenberg form matrix | |
Find a local minimizer tk to define the length of the step tk*Nk in carenls or darenls | |
Boolean output is true if at least one matrix row is zero vector | |
Compute an upper Hessenberg matrix by repeatedly applicated householder similarity transformation | |
Compute the similarity transformation S*A*S of matrix A with householder matrix S = I - 2u*u' to compute a lower Hessenberg form | |
Compute the similarity (Householder-) transformation S*A*S of matrix A with householder matrix S = I - 2u*u' to compute an upper Hessenberg form | |
Calculate the similarity transformation SAS of matrix A with householder matrix S = I - 2u*u'/(u'*u) to compute a lower Hessenberg form | |
Overwrites the general real M-by-N matrix C with Q * C or C * Q or Q' * C or C * Q', depending on inputs trans and side | |
Overwrites the general real M-by-N matrix C with Q * C or C * Q or Q' * C or C * Q', where Q is an orthogonal matrix of a QR factorization as returned by dgeqrf | |
Reorder a real Schur factorization according to a given pattern of the eigenvalues | |
Reorder a real Schur factorization for pole assignment design for continuous systems | |
Reorder a real Schur factorization for pole assignment design for discrete systems | |
Calculate the upper bound of the CARE, i.e. Q + A'*X + X*A - X*G*X = 0 condition number using Lyapunov equations | |
Return the Frobenius norm of a matrix | |
Calculate the upper triangle of A*B*A'+a*C with B and C symmetric | |
Calculate the upper triangle of A*B*A'+a*C with B and C symmetric | |
Solve real system of linear equations X*A=B in X where A is symmetrix positive definite | |
Solve real system of linear equations X*A=B where A is symmetrix positive definite | |
Solve real system of linear equations X*A=B in X where A is symmetrix positive definite | |
Solve real system of linear equations X*A=B where A is symmetrix positive definite |