

This package provides functions operating on matrices, see also Matrices.


LAPACKPackage of LAPACK functions
ExamplesPackage of examples to demonstrate the usage of matrices
careSolution of continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations
choleskyCompute the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric positive definte matrix
choleskyDownDateCompute the cholesky factor Ld according to Ad=Ld'*Ld=A - v*v' with A=L'*L
choleskyDownDate2Compute the cholesky factor Ld according to Ad=Ld'*Ld=A - v*v' with A=L'*L
choleskyUpDateCompute the cholesky factor Lu according to Au=Lu'*Lu=A + v*v' with A=L'*L
conditionNumberCalculate the condition number norm(A)*norm(inv(A))
dareSolution of discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations
detDeterminant of a matrix (computed by LU decomposition)
dlyapunovSolution of continuous-time Lyapunov equation A'X*A - X = C
dsylvesterSolution of discrete-time Sylvester equation A*X*B + sgn*X = C
eigenValuesCompute eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a real, nonsymmetric matrix (matrix is balanced before eigenvalues are computed)
eigenValuesAsRealMatrixReturn eigenvalues for a real, nonsymmetric matrix in a Real representation (computation with optional balancing)
equalityLeastSquaresSolve a linear equality constrained least squares problem
fliplrFlip the columns of a matrix in left/right direction
flipudFlip the columns of a matrix in up/down direction
fromFileRead matrix from a matlab file
generalizedEigenvaluesTriangularCompute invariant zeros of linear state space system with a generalized system matrix [A, B, C, D] which is of upper Hessenberg form
hessenbergTransform a matrix to upper Hessenberg form
householderReflexionReflect each of the vectors ai of matrix A=[a1, a2, ..., an] on a plane with orthogonal vector u
householderSimilarityTransformationCalculate the similarity transformation S*A*S of matrix A with symmetric householder matrix S = I - 2u*u'
leastSquares2Solve overdetermined or underdetermined real system of linear equations A*X=B in a least squares sense (A may be rank deficient)
leastSquaresSolve overdetermined or underdetermined real system of linear equations A*x=b in a least squares sense (A may be rank deficient)
lyapunovSolution of continuous-time Lyapunov equation X*A + A'*X = C
LQLQ decomposition of a rectangular matrix without column pivoting (A = L*Q)
LULU decomposition of square or rectangular matrix
LU_solveSolve real system of linear equations P*L*U*x=b with a b vector and an LU decomposition (from LU(..))
LU_solve2Solve real system of linear equations P*L*U*X=B with a B vector and an LU decomposition (from LU(..))
toUpperHessenbergTransform a real general matrix A to upper Hessenberg form H by an orthogonal similarity transformation: Q' * A * Q = H
normReturns the norm of a matrix
nullspaceOrthonormal nullspace of a matrix
orthogonalQGenerates a real orthogonal matrix Q defined as the product of IHI-ILO elementary reflectors
printMatrixPrint matrix
printMatrixInHtmlPrint a matrix in html format on file (without html/body heading)
QRQR decomposition of a rectangular matrix without column pivoting (A = Q*R). Return the full square Q-matrix
rcondReciprocal condition number
rsfComputes the real Schur form (RSF) of a square matrix
rsf2Computes the real Schur form (RSF) of a square matrix but uses lapack.dgees
solveSolve real system of linear equations A*x=b with a b vector (Gaussian elemination with partial pivoting)
solve2Solve real system of linear equations A*X=B with a B matrix (Gaussian elemination with partial pivoting)
solve2rSolve real system of linear equations X*op(A)=B with a B matrix (Gaussian elemination with partial pivoting)
sylvesterSolution of continuous-time Sylvester equation A*X + X*B = C
traceSum of the diagonal elements of A
triangleReturn the upper/lower triangular part of a square matrix
InternalPackage of internal functions operating on matrices (for advanced users only)

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