encapsulated function printHead1
import Modelica;
import Modelica_LinearSystems2;
import Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print;
import Modelica_LinearSystems2.StateSpace;
input StateSpace ss;
input Boolean isStable;
input Boolean isControllable;
input Boolean isStabilizable;
input Boolean isObservable;
input Boolean isDetectable;
input String fileName = "systemHead1.html" "File on which the information is written in html format";
input Modelica_LinearSystems2.Internal.AnalyseOptions analyseOptions = Modelica_LinearSystems2.Internal.AnalyseOptions(plotEigenValues = true, plotInvariantZeros = true, plotStepResponse = true, plotFrequencyResponse = true, printEigenValues = true, printEigenValueProperties = true, printInvariantZeros = true, printControllability = true, printObservability = true, headingEigenValues = "Eigenvalues", headingInvariantzeros = "Invariant zeros", headingStepResponse = "Step response", headingFrequencyResponse = "Frequency response");
input Boolean htmlBasics = false "True, if text should be printed within 'html' and 'body' environment, otherwise text printed into existing file fileName" annotation(
Dialog(group = "HTML format"));
input Integer hSize(min = 1, max = 5) = 2 "Size of heading of printed document (=1: Title, =2: Chapter, etc.)" annotation(
Dialog(group = "HTML format"));
end printHead1;