encapsulated function printSystem
import Modelica;
import Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print;
import Modelica_LinearSystems2.StateSpace;
import Modelica_LinearSystems2;
input StateSpace ss "State space system to analyze";
input String fileName = "systemAnalysis.html" "File on which the state space system is written in html format";
input String systemName = "State Space System" "Name of the state space system";
input String description = "" "Description of system (used in html file)";
input String format = ".6g" "Format of numbers (e.g. \"20.8e\")";
input Boolean htmlBasics = false "True, if text should be printed within 'html' and 'body' environment, otherwise text printed into existing file fileName" annotation(
Dialog(group = "HTML format"));
input Integer hSize(min = 1, max = 5) = 1 "Size of heading of printed document (=1: Title, =2: Chapter, etc.)" annotation(
Dialog(group = "HTML format"));
end printSystem;