
Unscented Kalman filter design function



(x_est, y_est, P, K) = DiscreteStateSpace.Design.UKF(x_pre, u_pre, y, P_pre, Q, R, alpha, beta, kappa, Ts)


Function UKF computes one recursion of the Unscented Kalman filter. Unscented Kalman filters are similar to Extended Kalman filters but using statistical linearization where extended Kalman filter apply the user-provided derivation of the system equation. Instead of explicit derivation linear regression between spcifically chosen sample points (sigma points). See [1] for more information.

See also UKF_SR, where the square root method to deal with positive definite matrices is applied to solve the mathematically identical problem.




function UKF
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  import Modelica;
  import Modelica_LinearSystems2;
  import Modelica_LinearSystems2.WorkInProgress.DiscreteStateSpace;
  input Modelica_LinearSystems2.DiscreteStateSpace.Internal.fBase fSigma;
  input Modelica_LinearSystems2.DiscreteStateSpace.Internal.hBase hSigma;
  input Real xpre[:] "State at instant k-1";
  input Real upre[:] "Input at instant k-1";
  input Real y[:] "Output at instant k";
  input Real Ppre[size(xpre, 1), size(xpre, 1)] "Error covariance matrix at instant k-1";
  input Real Q[size(xpre, 1), size(xpre, 1)] = identity(size(xpre, 1)) "Weighted covariance matrix of the associated process noise (F*Q*F')";
  input Real R[size(y, 1), size(y, 1)] = identity(size(y, 1)) "Covariance matrix of the measurement noise";
  input Real alpha = 0.1 "Spread of sigma points";
  input Real beta = 2 "Characteristic of the distribution of x";
  input Real kappa = 0 "Kurtosis scaling of sigma point distribution";
  input Modelica.Units.SI.Time Ts "Sample time";
  output Real x_est[size(xpre, 1)] "Estimated state vector";
  output Real y_est[size(y, 1)] "Estimated output";
  output Real P[size(Ppre, 1), size(Ppre, 1)] "Error covariance matrix";
  output Real K[size(xpre, 1), size(y, 1)] "Kalman filter gain matrix";
end UKF;


Date Author Comment
2010-06-11 Marcus Baur, DLR-RM Realization

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