

Capital cost of a horizontal cylindrical pressure vessel with elipsoidal heads (2:1 semi-elliptical heads) as a function of volume


function pressureVesselCost_V
  import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
  import nSI = Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.NonSIunits;
  import CN = Modelica.Constants;
  import CV = Modelica.SIunits.Conversions;
  import FI = SolarTherm.Models.Analysis.Finances;
  type Pressure_psi = Real(final quantity = "Pressure", final unit = "psi");
  type Density_lb_in = Real(final quantity = "Density", final unit = "lb/in3", min = 0);
  type Mass_lb = Real(quantity = "Mass", final unit = "lb", min = 0);
  type Length_in = Real(final quantity = "Length", final unit = "in", min = 0);
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Modelica.SIunits.Volume V "Tank volume";
  input Real f_bm "Bare module factor for the syngas storage tank";
  output Integer n_st "Number of tanks required";
  output FI.Money C_cap "Capital cost in AUD";

  function volume_d "Tank volume as a function of internal diameter"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
    input Length_in d1 "Tank internal diameter";
    output Modelica.SIunits.Volume V1 "Tank volume";
    V1 := 19.0*CN.pi*((d1*0.0254)^3)/12.0;
  end volume_d;

  function diameter_v "Tank internal diameter as a function of volume"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
    input Modelica.SIunits.Volume V2 "Tank volume";
    output Length_in d6 "Tank internal diameter";
    d6 := 39.3701*(((12.0*V2)/(19.0*CN.pi))^(1.0/3.0));
  end diameter_v;

  function pressure "Tank internal design gauge pressure as a function of tank operating gauge pressure"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
    input Pressure_psi p1 "Tank operating gauge pressure";
    output Pressure_psi p_des "Tank internal design gauge pressure";
    p_des := exp(0.60608 + 0.91615*log(p1) + 0.0015655*(log(p1)^2.0));
  end pressure;

  function thickness "Wall thickness to withstand the internal pressure"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
    input Pressure_psi p2 "Tank internal design gauge pressure";
    input Length_in d2 "Tank internal diameter";
    input Pressure_psi s1 "Maximum allowable stress of the shell material at the design temperature";
    input Real e1 "Fractional weld efficiency";
    output Length_in t1 "Tank thickness";
    t1 := (p2*d2)/(2.0*s1*e1 - 1.2*p2);
  end thickness;

  function thickness_min "Minimum thickness allowed at the diameter given"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
    input Length_in d3 "Tank internal diameter";
    output Length_in t2 "Tank minimum thickness";
    if (d3*0.0833333) > 12.0 then
// i.e. d3 > 12 ft
      t2 := 5.0/8.0;
    elseif (d3*0.0833333) <= 12.0 and (d3*0.0833333) > 10.0 then
// i.e. 10 < d3 <= 12 ft
      t2 := 1.0/2.0;
    elseif (d3*0.0833333) <= 10.0 and (d3*0.0833333) > 8.0 then
// i.e. 8 < d3 <= 10 ft
      t2 := 7.0/16.0;
    elseif (d3*0.0833333) <= 8.0 and (d3*0.0833333) > 6.0 then
// i.e. 6 < d3 <= 8 ft
      t2 := 3.0/8.0;
    elseif (d3*0.0833333) <= 6.0 and (d3*0.0833333) > 4.0 then
// i.e. 4 < d3 <= 6 ft
      t2 := 5.0/16.0;
// i.e. 0 < d3 <= 4 ft
      t2 := 0.25;
    end if;
  end thickness_min;

  function weight "Weight of the shell and the two 2:1 elliptical heads"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
    input Length_in d4 "Tank internal diameter";
    input Length_in t3 "Tank thickness";
    input Length_in l1 "Tank length accounting for the cylinder only";
    input Density_lb_in rho1 "Density of the tank material";
    output Mass_lb w1 "Tank weight";
    w1 := CN.pi*(d4 + t3)*(l1 + 0.8*d4)*t3*rho1;
  end weight;

  function CostEmpty_st "The f.o.b purchase cost of the empty vessel"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
    input Mass_lb w2 "Tank weight";
    input Real uf1 "Update factor";
    input Real r_cur1 "The currency rate from AUD to USD";
    output FI.Money C_v "The f.o.b purchase cost of the empty vessel in AUD";
    C_v := exp(8.9552 - 0.2330*log(w2) + 0.04333*(log(w2)^2.0))*uf1/r_cur1;
  end CostEmpty_st;

  function CostAdd_st "The added cost of the platforms and ladders"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
    input Length_in d5 "Tank internal diameter";
    input Real uf2 "Update factor";
    input Real r_cur2 "The currency rate from AUD to USD";
    output FI.Money C_pl "The added cost of the platforms and ladders in AUD";
    C_pl := 2005*(d5^0.20294)*uf2/r_cur2;
  end CostAdd_st;

  function Cost_st "The total f.o.b. purchase cost of the vessel"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
    input Real fm1 "Material factor ";
    input FI.Money C_v1 "The f.o.b purchase cost of the empty vessel";
    input FI.Money C_pl1 "The added cost of the platforms and ladders";
    output FI.Money C_st "The f.o.b. purchase cost of the vessel in AUD";
    C_st := fm1*C_v1 + C_pl1;
  end Cost_st;
end pressureVesselCost_V;


 volume_dTank volume as a function of internal diameter
 diameter_vTank internal diameter as a function of volume
 pressureTank internal design gauge pressure as a function of tank operating gauge pressure
 thicknessWall thickness to withstand the internal pressure
 thickness_minMinimum thickness allowed at the diameter given
 weightWeight of the shell and the two 2:1 elliptical heads
 CostEmpty_stThe f.o.b purchase cost of the empty vessel
 CostAdd_stThe added cost of the platforms and ladders
 Cost_stThe total f.o.b. purchase cost of the vessel

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