

Contains different types of transmission line models.
Faulted transmission lines contain a third terminal for connection to a fault-component.

The relations between line reactance (x,x0) and self- and mutual reactance (x_s,x_m) are

  x   = x_s - x_m,          reactance dq (stray reactance)
  x0  = x_s + 2*x_m,        reactance o (zero-component reactance)
  x_s =  (2*x + x0)/3       self reactance single conductor
  x_m = -(x - x0)/3         mutual reactance


  cpl = x_m/x_s >  0,        positive for lines

More info see package ACdqoImpedances.


 RXline0RX line without length parameter, 3-phase dqo
 RXlineRX transmission line, 3-phase dqo
 PIlinePI transmission line, 3-phase dqo
 FaultRXlineFaulted RX transmission line, 3-phase dqo
 FaultPIlineFaulted PI transmission line, 3-phase dqo
 PartialsPartial models
 ParametersParameter data for interactive use

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