see Matlab 'fminsearch':
FMINSEARCH Multidimensional unconstrained nonlinear minimization (Nelder-Mead). X = FMINSEARCH(FUN,X0) starts at X0 and attempts to find a local minimizer X of the function FUN. FUN accepts input X and returns a scalar function value F evaluated at X. X0 can be a scalar, vector or matrix.
Actually only used for precalculation of generator data (fixed function-argument),
Should be modified (domains with boundaries).
function fminSearch extends Icons.Function; input Real[:] x0 "start value, fcn(x0) is approximate min"; input Real[:] x_opt "optional further arguments of function fcn"; output Real[size(x0, 1)] x "argument where function value is minimal"; output Real y "value of function at x"; end fminSearch;