A package that provides some basic models for dynamic modelling of reciprocating machines. A base class (BaseClasses.PartialRecipMachine) takes care of the internal slider-crank-mechanism and also provides an animation thanks to the Modelica.Mechanics.Multibody package. Interaction with other parts of your model is possible via rotational flange connectors (Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.Flange_xxx) that convey torque and can be connected to other components. Please have a look at the examples to see how to use the connectors.
In order to create your own components from the units in this package, you should redefine geometry and initial conditions. Please note that there are two base classes that can be used for your own geometry, BaseClasses.BaseGeometry and BaseClasses.SimpleGeometry both provide all the necessary inputs. As the name suggests, BaseClasses.SimpleGeometry should be easier to use, but does not provide all the flexibility, e.g. no piston pin offset from crankshaft centre.
This work uses many components from the Modelica standard library and adds only a few things, please be aware that there are many devoted people behind the development of Modelica libraries and their implementations.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the Modelica License 2
Copyright © 2011-2013 Technical University of Denmark, DTU Mechanical Engineering, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Main contributor: Jorrit Wronski (jowr@mek.dtu.dk)
Name | Description |
Some models to test basic features | |
Basic applications of the reciprocating models | |
Model of a confined volume without mass transfer | |
A collection of heat transfer correlations | |
SweptVolume from Modelica.Fluid with initialisation algorihtm and default Medium | |
Small scale ORC expander | |
Model of single cylinder with a flange connector | |
Model of one cylinder with force and piston position connectors | |
Model of single cylinder with pressure and volume connectors | |
Geometry defined by stroke and bore | |
Open and close valves according to degree or time input. | |
High order dependency of load on speed | |
Open and close valves according to degree or time input. | |
A combination of cylinder model and a reciprocating mechanism. | |
Heat capacity representing the wall of the cylinder |