All models with dynamic equations provide initialisation support. Set the initOpt parameter to the appropriate value:
Name | Description |
Flange connector for gas flows | |
A-type flange connector for gas flows | |
B-type flange connector for gas flows | |
Pressure source for gas flows | |
Pressure sink for gas flows | |
Flow rate source for gas flows | |
Flow rate sink for gas flows | |
Prescribes the mass flow rate across the component | |
Rigid adiabatic volume | |
Header with metal walls for gas flows | |
Mixer with metal walls for gas flows | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for gas (finite volumes) | |
Same as Flow1DFV with two walls and heat transfer models | |
Joins two gas flows | |
Splits a gas flow in two | |
Linear pressure drop for gas flows | |
Pressure drop for gas flows | |
Temperature sensor for gas | |
Temperature sensor for gas flows, single port | |
Mass Flowrate sensor for gas flows | |
Pressure sensor for gas flows | |
Volume Flow Rate sensor for gas flows | |
Valve for gas flows with linear pressure drop | |
Valve for gas flow | |
Fanning friction factor for water/steam flows | |
Combustion Chamber | |
Gas compressor | |
Gas Turbine | |
Gas Turbine | |
Gas Turbine | |
Gas Turbine | |
Utility models | |
Pressure source for gas flows | |
Pressure sink for gas flows | |
Flowrate source for gas flows | |
Flowrate sink for gas flows | |
Prescribes the flow rate across the component | |
1-dimensional fluid flow model for gas (finite volumes) |