

This function generates the continuous Meyer wavelet and scaling functions. Since Meyer wavelet has theoretically unlimited support, the function range has to be defined with [low, high].

For generating Meyer wavelets, an external C-function saved in fft_c.c file has to be called. This C-file has to be available in the current working directory or the searching path of Modelica must include the directory of fft_c.c file.


function wavMeyer
  import Modelica.ComplexMath.*;
  input Real low = -8 "Lower boundary of the function";
  input Real high = 8 "Higher boundary of the function";
  input Integer points = 32 "Number of data points of the returned functions";
  output Real x[points] "Regular grid";
  output Real phi[points] "Scaling function";
  output Real psi[points] "Wavelet function";
end wavMeyer;

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