

Contains map-based models of Internal combustion engines and electric drives


 IceTSimple map-based ice model with connector
 IceT01Simple map-based ice model with connector
 OneFlangeSimple map-based model of an electric drive
 TwoFlangeSimple map-based two-flange electric drive model
 TwoFlangeConnSimple map-based two-flange electric drive model
 GensetGenSet GMS+GEN+SEngine
 GensetOOGenSet GMS+GEN+SEngine with On/Off
 IceConnPOOSimple map-based ice model with connector; follows power request with ON-OFF
 OneFlangeConnSimple map-based one-flange electric drive
 IceConnPSimple map-based ice model with connector; follows power request
 GensetImGmGenSet GMS+GEN+SEngine

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