Directory testsuite/libraries/biochem/BioChem/Examples/MassAction/

Directory Created:
2010-03-26 12:43
Directory Deleted:
2012-10-08 11:17
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

testsuite/libraries/biochem/BioChem/Examples/MassAction/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 3 (100.0%) 803 (100.0%) 267.6 1 (33.3%) 402 (50.1%) 402.0
petar 1 (33.3%) 401 (49.9%) 401.0
alash325 1 (33.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

alash325 2012-10-08 11:17 Rev.: 13242

-- testsuite/3rdparty/AVM + testsuite/3rdparty/ThermoSysPro are temporarily moved to testsuite directory + testsiuite/Libraries + testsuite/mofiles + testsuite/3rdparty are deleted from SVN

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/biochem/BioChem/Examples/MassAction: (del) 2010-05-31 09:43 Rev.: 5589

- Added Unix make target "fix-svn-eol-style"
- Fixed line ending for all .mo and .mos-files in Compiler/ and testsuite/

402 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/biochem/BioChem/Examples/MassAction: (+402 -401)
petar 2010-03-26 12:43 Rev.: 5215

Fixed two bugs that affect the code generation in MathCore backend:
-Fixed a bug in Exp.stringifyComponentRef (last type should be picked up, but it wasn't).
-Fixed a bug in vectorize call (giving wrong type to component refererences.

-Added some dumping functions for DAE.FunctionTree to DAEUtil.
-Fixed some bugs with function dae not picked up correctly.
-Added some documentation
- Added testcases from MathCore:
- instantiation of all examples in MSL221 subset in MathModelica.
- instantiation of BioChem examples
- instantiation of Magnetic examples (for MSL221)

401 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • testsuite/libraries/biochem/BioChem/Examples/MassAction: (new 401)
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