Directory testsuite/libraries/biochem/BioChem/Images/

Directory Created:
2010-03-26 12:43
Directory Deleted:
2012-10-08 11:17
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:



Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 60 (100.0%) 0 (-) 0.0
petar 30 (50.0%) 0 (-) 0.0
alash325 30 (50.0%) 0 (-) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

alash325 2012-10-08 11:17 Rev.: 13242

-- testsuite/3rdparty/AVM + testsuite/3rdparty/ThermoSysPro are temporarily moved to testsuite directory + testsiuite/Libraries + testsuite/mofiles + testsuite/3rdparty are deleted from SVN

0 lines of code changed in 30 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/biochem/BioChem/Images: Activation.png (del), BiSubstrate.png (del), Compartment.png (del), Container.png (del), Fast.png (del), Glucose.png (del), Glucose2.png (del), Glucose3.png (del), Glucose4.png (del), Hill.png (del), Hyper.png (del), Inhibition.png (del), Insulin.png (del), InterfaceCompartments.png (del), Library.png (del), MassAction.png (del), Math.png (del), MichaelisMenten.png (del), Reactions.png (del), Substance.png (del), cell.png (del), cell2.png (del), centralmetabolism.png (del), cytosol.png (del), figure1.jpg (del), figure1a.png (del), figure2.jpg (del), table1.jpg (del), table2.jpg (del), table3.jpg (del)
petar 2010-03-26 12:43 Rev.: 5215

Fixed two bugs that affect the code generation in MathCore backend:
-Fixed a bug in Exp.stringifyComponentRef (last type should be picked up, but it wasn't).
-Fixed a bug in vectorize call (giving wrong type to component refererences.

-Added some dumping functions for DAE.FunctionTree to DAEUtil.
-Fixed some bugs with function dae not picked up correctly.
-Added some documentation
- Added testcases from MathCore:
- instantiation of all examples in MSL221 subset in MathModelica.
- instantiation of BioChem examples
- instantiation of Magnetic examples (for MSL221)

0 lines of code changed in 30 files:

  • testsuite/libraries/biochem/BioChem/Images: Activation.png (new), BiSubstrate.png (new), Compartment.png (new), Container.png (new), Fast.png (new), Glucose.png (new), Glucose2.png (new), Glucose3.png (new), Glucose4.png (new), Hill.png (new), Hyper.png (new), Inhibition.png (new), Insulin.png (new), InterfaceCompartments.png (new), Library.png (new), MassAction.png (new), Math.png (new), MichaelisMenten.png (new), Reactions.png (new), Substance.png (new), cell.png (new), cell2.png (new), centralmetabolism.png (new), cytosol.png (new), figure1.jpg (new), figure1a.png (new), figure2.jpg (new), table1.jpg (new), table2.jpg (new), table3.jpg (new)
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