/trunk Developers: henjo

Login name:
Total Commits:
347 (0.1%)
Lines of Code:
12,615 (0.0%)
Most Recent Commit:
2002-03-01 10:25
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for henjo

Activity by Day of Week for henjo

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 347 (100.0%) 12615 (100.0%) 36.3
modeq/ 88 (25.4%) 5621 (44.6%) 63.8
modeq/absyn_builder/ 7 (2.0%) 1767 (14.0%) 252.4
mosh/src/ 56 (16.1%) 1696 (13.4%) 30.2
c_runtime/ 64 (18.4%) 1520 (12.0%) 23.7
modeq/test_codegen/ 64 (18.4%) 694 (5.5%) 10.8
modelica_parser/ 1 (0.3%) 340 (2.7%) 340.0
mosh/ 1 (0.3%) 339 (2.7%) 339.0
mosh/src/runtime/ 11 (3.2%) 193 (1.5%) 17.5
testsuite/ 43 (12.4%) 190 (1.5%) 4.4
mosh/build/ 4 (1.2%) 104 (0.8%) 26.0
/ 3 (0.9%) 70 (0.6%) 23.3
modelica_parser/src/ 4 (1.2%) 57 (0.5%) 14.2
modeq/runtime/ 1 (0.3%) 24 (0.2%) 24.0

Activity of henjo

Most Recent Commits

henjo 2002-03-01 10:25 Rev.: 743

simplex handles different sized array

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • modeq/test_codegen: misc_simplex1.mo (+5 -5)
henjo 2002-02-15 16:49 Rev.: 742

Added more copyright notices

1387 lines of code changed in 68 files:

  • c_runtime: boolean_array.c (+18 -1), boolean_array.h (+18 -1), index_spec.c (+19 -1), index_spec.h (+19 -1), integer_array.c (+18 -1), integer_array.h (+18 -1), memory_pool.c (+19 -1), memory_pool.h (+19 -1), modelica.h (+18 -1), read_write.h (+19 -1), real_array.c (+18 -1), real_array.h (+19 -1), string_array.c (+19 -1), string_array.h (+19 -1), utility.c (+19 -1), utility.h (+19 -1)
  • modeq: absyn.rml (+21), algorithm.rml (+22), builtin.rml (+21), builtin_safe.rml (+21), class.rml (+21), classinf.rml (+21), codegen.rml (+21), connect.rml (+21), dae.rml (+21), debug.rml (+21), dump.rml (+21), dumpgraphviz.rml (+21), env.rml (+21), exp.rml (+21), explode.rml (+21), inst.rml (+21), lookup.rml (+21), main.rml (+21), mod.rml (+21), modelica.rml (+21), modutil.rml (+20), parse.rml (+21), prefix.rml (+21), rtopts.rml (+21), staticexp.rml (+21), types.rml (+21), util.rml (+21), values.rml (+21)
  • mosh/build: main.c (+21 -3)
  • mosh/src: builtin_function.cpp (+21 -3), builtin_function.hpp (+20 -3), compiled_function.cpp (+21 -3), compiled_function.hpp (+21 -3), expression_parser.g (+21 -3), function_argument.cpp (+21 -3), function_argument.hpp (+21 -3), modelica_function.cpp (+20 -3), modelica_function.hpp (+21 -3), modelica_runtime_error.cpp (+21 -3), modelica_runtime_error.hpp (+21 -3), modelica_type.cpp (+21 -3), modelica_type.hpp (+21 -3), mosh.cpp (+20 -3), symboltable.cpp (+21 -3), symboltable.hpp (+21 -3), value.cpp (+22 -4), value.hpp (+20 -3), walker.g (+21 -3)
  • mosh/src/runtime: main.cpp (+21 -3), modelica_array.hpp (+21 -3), modelica_runtime_error.hpp (+21 -3), numerical_array.hpp (+21 -3)
henjo 2002-02-15 13:04 Rev.: 741

Added copyright notice

67 lines of code changed in 17 files:

  • c_runtime: boolean_array.c (+4), boolean_array.h (+4), index_spec.c (+4), index_spec.h (+4), integer_array.c (+4), integer_array.h (+4), memory_pool.c (+4), memory_pool.h (+4), modelica.h (+4), read_write.c (+3), read_write.h (+4), real_array.c (+4), real_array.h (+4), string_array.c (+4), string_array.h (+4), utility.c (+4), utility.h (+4)
henjo 2002-02-15 12:42 Rev.: 740

Added README file

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • README (new)
henjo 2002-02-15 12:41 Rev.: 739

Added license file

1363 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • c_runtime: LICENSE (new 340)
  • modelica_parser: LICENSE (new 340)
  • modeq: LICENSE (new 340)
  • mosh: LICENSE (new 339)
  • mosh/build: main.c (+4)
henjo 2002-02-15 10:36 Rev.: 737

Added copyright notices to files

97 lines of code changed in 25 files:

  • mosh/src: Makefile.single (del), builtin_function.cpp (+4), builtin_function.hpp (+4), compiled_function.cpp (+4), compiled_function.hpp (+4), expression_parser.g (+4), function_argument.cpp (+4), function_argument.hpp (+4), modelica_function.cpp (+4), modelica_function.hpp (+4), modelica_runtime_error.cpp (+4), modelica_runtime_error.hpp (+4), modelica_type.cpp (+4), modelica_type.hpp (+4), mosh.cpp (+6 -2), symboltable.cpp (+4), symboltable.hpp (+4), value.cpp (+4), value.hpp (+4), walker.g (+3)
  • mosh/src/runtime: main.cpp (+4), modelica_array.cpp (+4), modelica_array.hpp (+4), modelica_runtime_error.hpp (+4), numerical_array.hpp (+4)
henjo 2002-02-14 15:54 Rev.: 736

last minute changes

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • what_does_not_work.txt (+2)
  • mosh/src: walker.g (+1 -16)
henjo 2002-02-14 14:19 Rev.: 735

Added more functionality

742 lines of code changed in 13 files:

  • what_does_not_work.txt (new 68)
  • modeq: main.rml (+3 -3)
  • modeq/test_codegen: misc_bubblesort.mo (+1 -1)
  • mosh/build: Makefile.single (new 57), main.c (new 22)
  • mosh/src: builtin_function.cpp (+201), builtin_function.hpp (+36), compiled_function.cpp (+47 -272), compiled_function.hpp (-2), symboltable.cpp (+4), value.cpp (+289 -1), value.hpp (+4 -1), walker.g (+10)
henjo 2002-02-13 18:38 Rev.: 732

Some changes made so that more things are working

720 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • mosh/src: Makefile (+8 -1), Makefile.single (new 56), compiled_function.cpp (+242 -24), modelica_type.cpp (+27), modelica_type.hpp (+11), value.cpp (+259 -32), value.hpp (+24 -9), walker.g (+4 -31)
  • mosh/src/runtime: modelica_array.hpp (+70 -29), numerical_array.hpp (+19 -3)
henjo 2002-02-12 18:40 Rev.: 729

Fixed checking of reading input paramters

68 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • modeq: codegen.rml (+33 -25), explode.rml (+3 -3), inst.rml (+3), lookup.rml (+5), staticexp.rml (+7 -3), types.rml (+4), util.rml (+13)
henjo 2002-02-12 18:20 Rev.: 728

Fixed error in simplex

42 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • modeq/test_codegen: expression_index1.mo (new 13), misc_simplex1.mo (+2 -2), misc_simplex2.mo (+25 -22), simplex_in.txt (+2)
henjo 2002-02-12 18:20 Rev.: 727

Fixed indexing operations

267 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • c_runtime: Makefile (+1 -1), index_spec.c (+25 -1), index_spec.h (+1), memory_pool.c (+2 -2), read_write.c (+30 -14), real_array.c (+208 -48)
henjo 2002-02-11 17:59 Rev.: 724

Fixed some things

106 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • c_runtime: index_spec.c (+40 -2), index_spec.h (+2 -1), memory_pool.c (+39 -10), memory_pool.h (+10 -11), real_array.c (+10), real_array.h (+5 -1)
henjo 2002-02-11 17:59 Rev.: 723

Added testscript

37 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • modeq/test_codegen: Makefile (-36), Makefile.single (+1 -1), input_variable_size_array.mo (new 14), misc_simplex2.mo (+1 -1), rtest.sh (new 21)
henjo 2002-02-11 12:06 Rev.: 720

Introduced type information to input file

160 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • c_runtime: modelica.h (+2), read_write.c (+116 -10), read_write.h (+17 -9), real_array.c (+17 -10), real_array.h (+8 -5)
henjo 2002-02-11 12:06 Rev.: 719

Can now generate code for functions with variable sized arrays

310 lines of code changed in 16 files:

  • modeq: codegen.rml (+151 -24), dae.rml (+1 -1), exp.rml (+3 -3), inst.rml (+102 -29), modutil.rml (+3 -3), prefix.rml (+1 -1), staticexp.rml (+26 -7)
  • modeq/test_codegen: Makefile (+5), return_multiple_record.mo (+2 -2), return_multiple_record_array.mo (+2 -2), return_multiple_scalar.mo (+2 -2), return_multiple_scalar_array.mo (+4 -4), return_record.mo (+2 -2), return_record_array.mo (+2 -2), return_scalar.mo (+2 -2), return_scalar_array.mo (+2 -2)
henjo 2002-02-05 19:05 Rev.: 718

Moved compiled files to other dirs added .cvsignore file

23 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • modeq/test_codegen: .cvsignore (new 3), Makefile.single (+20 -9)
henjo 2002-02-05 18:47 Rev.: 717

*** empty log message ***

53 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • modelica_parser/src: modelica_lexer.g (+8 -4), modelica_parser.g (+45 -7)
henjo 2002-02-05 18:46 Rev.: 716

Added integer read write routines

40 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • c_runtime: read_write.c (+35 -1), read_write.h (+5)
henjo 2002-02-05 18:45 Rev.: 715

Fixed some operators

939 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • modeq: Makefile (+17 -17), algorithm.rml (+5 -2), codegen.rml (+579 -230), dae.rml (+15 -1), exp.rml (+30 -13), inst.rml (+34 -25), lookup.rml (+1 -1), mod.rml (+1 -1), modutil.rml (+11 -6), prefix.rml (+11 -6), staticexp.rml (+159 -53), types.rml (+21 -1), util.rml (+53 -1)
  • modeq/absyn_builder: walker.g (+2 -2)

(17 more)

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