/trunk Developers: jhare950

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Total Commits:
134 (0.1%)
Lines of Code:
18,529 (0.1%)
Most Recent Commit:
2011-12-19 01:20
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for jhare950

Activity by Day of Week for jhare950

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 134 (100.0%) 18529 (100.0%) 138.2
OMNotebook/OMSketch/ 52 (38.8%) 18529 (100.0%) 356.3
OMNotebook/OMSketch/Release/ 80 (59.7%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
OMNotebook/OMNotebookGUI/ 2 (1.5%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of jhare950

Most Recent Commits

jhare950 2011-12-19 01:20 Rev.: 10770

- OMSketch

18271 lines of code changed in 129 files:

  • OMNotebook/OMSketch: DrModelica.onb (new), Draw_Arc.cpp (new 523), Draw_Arc.h (new 100), Draw_Arrow.cpp (new 881), Draw_Arrow.h (new 103), Draw_Ellipse.cpp (new 560), Draw_Line.h (new 127), Draw_LineArrow.cpp (new 1087), Draw_LineArrow.h (new 116), Draw_Rectangle.cpp (new 674), Draw_Rectangle.h (new 113), Draw_RoundRect.cpp (new 623), Draw_RoundRect.h (new 113), Draw_Text.cpp (new 292), Draw_Text.h (new 51), Draw_Triangle.cpp (new 716), Draw_Triangle.h (new 104), Draw_ellipse.h (new), Draw_line.cpp (new 544), Draw_polygon.cpp (new 633), Draw_polygon.h (new), Graph_Scene.cpp (new 6959), Graph_Scene.cpp.r10540 (new), Graph_Scene.cpp.r10766 (new), Graph_Scene.h (new 221), Label.h (new 11), Line.cpp (new 121), Line.h (new 35), OMSketch.sdf (new), OMSketch.sln (new), OMSketch.vcxproj (new), OMSketch.vcxproj.filters (new), OMSketch.vcxproj.user (new), Scene_Objects.cpp (new 290), Scene_Objects.h (new 49), Shapes.cpp (new 41), Shapes.h (new 39), Sketch_files.cpp (new 489), Sketch_files.h (new), Tools.cpp (new 2358), Tools.h (new 254), main.cpp (new 12), mainwindow.cpp (new 12), mainwindow.h (new 20), moc_CustomDialog.cpp (new), moc_Graph_Scene.cpp (new), moc_Tools.cpp (new), moc_mainwindow.cpp (new), ui_mainwindow.h (new)
  • OMNotebook/OMSketch/Release: CL.read.1.tlog (new), CL.read.1.tlog.r10540 (new), CL.read.1.tlog.r10766 (new), CL.write.1.tlog (new), CL.write.1.tlog.r10540 (new), CL.write.1.tlog.r10766 (new), CustomDailog.obj (new), CustomDailog.obj.r10540 (new), CustomDailog.obj.r10766 (new), Draw_Arc.obj (new), Draw_Arc.obj.r10540 (new), Draw_Arc.obj.r10766 (new), Draw_Arrow.obj (new), Draw_Arrow.obj.r10540 (new), Draw_Arrow.obj.r10766 (new), Draw_Ellipse.obj (new), Draw_Ellipse.obj.r10540 (new), Draw_Ellipse.obj.r10766 (new), Draw_Line.obj (new), Draw_Line.obj.r10540 (new), Draw_Line.obj.r10766 (new), Draw_LineArrow.obj (new), Draw_LineArrow.obj.r10540 (new), Draw_LineArrow.obj.r10766 (new), Draw_Polygon.obj (new), Draw_Polygon.obj.r10540 (new), Draw_Polygon.obj.r10766 (new), Draw_Rectangle.obj (new), Draw_Rectangle.obj.r10540 (new), Draw_Rectangle.obj.r10766 (new), Draw_RoundRect.obj (new), Draw_RoundRect.obj.r10540 (new), Draw_RoundRect.obj.r10766 (new), Draw_Text.obj (new), Draw_Text.obj.r10540 (new), Draw_Text.obj.r10766 (new), Draw_Triangle.obj (new), Draw_Triangle.obj.r10540 (new), Draw_Triangle.obj.r10766 (new), Graph_Scene.obj (new), Graph_Scene.obj.r10540 (new), Graph_Scene.obj.r10766 (new), Lib-link.read.1.tlog (new), Lib-link.write.1.tlog (new), OMSketch.lastbuildstate (new), OMSketch.log (new), Scene_Objects.obj (new), Scene_Objects.obj.r10540 (new), Scene_Objects.obj.r10766 (new), Shapes.obj (new), Shapes.obj.r10540 (new), Shapes.obj.r10766 (new), Sketch_Files.obj (new), Sketch_Files.obj.r10540 (new), Sketch_Files.obj.r10766 (new), Tools.obj (new), Tools.obj.r10540 (new), Tools.obj.r10766 (new), cl.command.1.tlog (new), cl.command.1.tlog.r10540 (new), cl.command.1.tlog.r10766 (new), lib.command.1.tlog (new), mainwindow.obj (new), mainwindow.obj.r10540 (new), mainwindow.obj.r10766 (new), moc_CustomDialog.obj (new), moc_CustomDialog.obj.r10540 (new), moc_CustomDialog.obj.r10766 (new), moc_Graph_Scene.obj (new), moc_Graph_Scene.obj.r10540 (new), moc_Graph_Scene.obj.r10766 (new), moc_Tools.obj (new), moc_Tools.obj.r10540 (new), moc_Tools.obj.r10766 (new), moc_mainwindow.obj (new), moc_mainwindow.obj.r10540 (new), moc_mainwindow.obj.r10766 (new), vc100.pdb (new), vc100.pdb.r10540 (new), vc100.pdb.r10766 (new)
jhare950 2011-12-19 01:11 Rev.: 10769

- OMSketch

258 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • OMNotebook/OMSketch: CustomDailog.cpp (new 149), CustomDialog.h (new 55), basic.h (new 54)
jhare950 2011-12-19 00:48 Rev.: 10768

- OMSketch

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookGUI: cell.cpp (new)
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