/trunk Developers: rakhiwarriar

Login name:
Total Commits:
11 (0.0%)
Lines of Code:
879 (0.0%)
Most Recent Commit:
2014-07-28 23:42
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for rakhiwarriar

Activity by Day of Week for rakhiwarriar

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 11 (100.0%) 879 (100.0%) 79.9
Compiler/scripts/ 2 (18.2%) 804 (91.5%) 402.0
OMEdit/OMEditGUI/ 2 (18.2%) 40 (4.6%) 20.0
OMEdit/OMEditGUI/OMC/ 2 (18.2%) 14 (1.6%) 7.0
Compiler/FrontEnd/ 1 (9.1%) 11 (1.3%) 11.0
OMEdit/OMEditGUI/Util/ 2 (18.2%) 8 (0.9%) 4.0
Compiler/ 2 (18.2%) 2 (0.2%) 1.0

Activity of rakhiwarriar

Most Recent Commits

rakhiwarriar 2014-07-28 23:42 Rev.: 21648

Added ngspice netlist to Modelica code converter in OMEdit.

62 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • OMEdit/OMEditGUI: MainWindow.cpp (+37), MainWindow.h (+3)
  • OMEdit/OMEditGUI/OMC: OMCProxy.cpp (+13), OMCProxy.h (+1)
  • OMEdit/OMEditGUI/Util: Helper.cpp (+5), Helper.h (+3)
rakhiwarriar 2014-07-23 02:37 Rev.: 21599

Modified python file for ngspice to Modelica conversion.

146 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • Compiler/scripts: ngspicetoModelica.py (+146 -30)
rakhiwarriar 2014-07-21 11:01 Rev.: 21580

Added function ngspicetoModelica() to convert ngspice netlists to Modelica code.

671 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Compiler: Makefile.in (+1 -1), Makefile.omdev.mingw (+1 -1)
  • Compiler/FrontEnd: ModelicaBuiltin.mo (+11)
  • Compiler/scripts: ngspicetoModelica.py (new 658)
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