/trunk Developers: x06hener

Login name:
Total Commits:
488 (0.2%)
Lines of Code:
47,533 (0.2%)
Most Recent Commit:
2008-05-01 19:50
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for x06hener

Activity by Day of Week for x06hener

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 488 (100.0%) 47533 (100.0%) 97.4
c_runtime/sendData/include/QtCore/ 39 (8.0%) 17065 (35.9%) 437.5
OMNotebook/Pltpkg2/ 118 (24.2%) 12447 (26.2%) 105.4
OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/ 150 (30.7%) 7113 (15.0%) 47.4
OMNotebook/NotebookParser/ 12 (2.5%) 4481 (9.4%) 373.4
c_runtime/sendData/ 31 (6.4%) 2172 (4.6%) 70.0
OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/generatedfiles/ 4 (0.8%) 1447 (3.0%) 361.7
Compiler/ 20 (4.1%) 1032 (2.2%) 51.6
c_runtime/sendData/include/QtNetwork/ 5 (1.0%) 436 (0.9%) 87.2
Compiler/VC7/Setup/ 4 (0.8%) 391 (0.8%) 97.7
OMNotebook/ext/ 4 (0.8%) 373 (0.8%) 93.2
Compiler/runtime/ 6 (1.2%) 214 (0.5%) 35.6
Compiler/VC7/sendData/ 3 (0.6%) 108 (0.2%) 36.0
c_runtime/ 5 (1.0%) 106 (0.2%) 21.2
c_runtime/sendData/include/QtGui/ 1 (0.2%) 81 (0.2%) 81.0
Compiler/omc_release/ 3 (0.6%) 33 (0.1%) 11.0
c_runtime/sendData/include/ 12 (2.5%) 12 (0.0%) 1.0
Compiler/VC7/omc/ 2 (0.4%) 11 (0.0%) 5.5
Compiler/VC7/ 3 (0.6%) 7 (0.0%) 2.3
Compiler/VC7/UpdateEnv/ 2 (0.4%) 3 (0.0%) 1.5
OMNotebook/ 1 (0.2%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
c_runtime/sendData/release/ 1 (0.2%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
build/lib/ 3 (0.6%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
OMNotebook/ext/release/ 2 (0.4%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/Resources/toolbarIcons/ 15 (3.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/Release/ 35 (7.2%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
Compiler/VC7/Setup/lib/ 7 (1.4%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of x06hener

Most Recent Commits

x06hener 2008-05-01 19:50 Rev.: 3505

*More missing files added..

261 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • OMNotebook/Pltpkg2: variablewindow.cpp (new 177), variablewindow.h (new 84)
x06hener 2008-04-29 09:05 Rev.: 3502

*More filename changes

248 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • OMNotebook/Pltpkg2: legendLabel.cpp (changed), legendLabel.h (new 110), point.cpp (new 138), point.h (changed)
x06hener 2008-04-29 09:02 Rev.: 3501

*Added some missing files
*Prevented overwriting of files in some cases
*Fixed some filenames

507 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4: notebookcommands.h (+14 -9), printervisitor.cpp (+1 -1), xmlparser.cpp (+1 -1)
  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/Release: OMNotebook.exe (changed)
  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/Resources/toolbarIcons: apply.png (new), image.png (new), text_right.png (new), text_under.png (new)
  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/generatedfiles: qrc_res_qt.cpp (+17 -17)
  • OMNotebook/Pltpkg2: curve.cpp (+1 -1), graphWidget.cpp (+1 -1), graphWindow.cpp (+1 -1), legendLabel.cpp (+1 -1), newgraph.ui (new 470)
x06hener 2008-02-19 17:01 Rev.: 3216

*Added plotAll() and plotAll(model) commands
*Changed default value of "points" to false

351 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • Compiler: Ceval.mo (+152), Static.mo (+82 -7), System.mo (+7)
  • Compiler/runtime: systemimpl.c (+32)
  • c_runtime/sendData: humbug.cpp (+15), humbug.h (+2), sendData.cpp (+58 -1), sendData.h (+3)
x06hener 2008-02-19 15:53 Rev.: 3214

*Now possible to save images from external plot windows
*Added support for the plotAll() command
*Data points are now not enabled by default
*Improved stability

114 lines of code changed in 12 files:

  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4: graphcell.cpp (+1 -1), printervisitor.cpp (+2)
  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/Release: OMNotebook.exe (changed), OMNotebook.pdb (changed)
  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/generatedfiles: qrc_res_qt.cpp (+1 -1)
  • OMNotebook/Pltpkg2: LegendLabel.h (+1), graphWidget.cpp (+7 -6), graphWindow.cpp (+58 -1), graphWindow.h (+2), graphWindow.ui (+19 -1), legendLabel.cpp (+23 -1)
  • OMNotebook/ext/release: ext.exe (changed)
x06hener 2008-02-15 02:07 Rev.: 3191

*Added external graphics window to setup project

111 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • Compiler/VC7/Setup: Setup.vdproj (+52 -107)
  • c_runtime/sendData: sendData.cpp (+59 -29)
x06hener 2008-02-14 21:43 Rev.: 3190

*Changed some library paths

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • OMNotebook/ext: ext.vcproj (+1 -1)
x06hener 2008-02-14 18:35 Rev.: 3187

*Added a toolbar in OMNotebook
*Added an external graphics window
*Misc. improvements to the plotting functionality

3688 lines of code changed in 58 files:

  • OMNotebook/NotebookParser: NotebookParser.vcproj (+2 -1)
  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4: ImageSizeDlg.ui (+140 -119), cellcursor.cpp (+1), celldocument.cpp (+35 -4), celldocument.h (+16 -3), celldocumentview.h (+3 -2), cellfactory.cpp (+65 -1), document.h (+9 -1), graphcell.cpp (+399 -22), graphcell.h (+20 -1), highlighterthread.cpp (+7 -4), imagesizedlg.h (+1), indent.cpp (new 451), indent.h (new 60), inputcell.cpp (+1), inputcell.h (+2), notebook.cpp (+147 -18), notebook.h (+9 -1), notebookcommands.h (+13 -1), omc_communicator.cpp (+1), openmodelicahighlighter.cpp (+157 -131), printervisitor.cpp (+36 -9), printervisitor.h (+3 -1), res_qt.qrc (+17), serializingvisitor.cpp (+1), textcell.cpp (+2), textcell.h (+2 -1), textcursorcommands.cpp (+5 -2), textcursorcommands.h (+3 -2), trunk.sln (+9), trunk.vcproj (+30 -2), xmlnodename.h (+1 -1), xmlparser.cpp (+50 -2)
  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/Release: OMNotebook.exe (changed), OMNotebook.pdb (changed)
  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/Resources/toolbarIcons: editcopy.png (new), editcut.png (new), editpaste.png (new), exit.png (new), filenew.png (new), fileopen.png (new), fileprint.png (new), filesave.png (new), find.png (new), redo.png (new), undo.png (new)
  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/generatedfiles: qrc_res_qt.cpp (+1168 -4)
  • OMNotebook/Pltpkg2: Pltpkg2.vcproj (+87 -14), curve.cpp (+3), graphWidget.cpp (+307 -30), graphWidget.h (+13 -5), graphWindow.cpp (+3), graphWindow.ui (+36 -65), variableData.cpp (+1)
  • OMNotebook/ext: e.cpp (new 17), ext.pro (new 28), ext.vcproj (new 327)
  • OMNotebook/ext/release: ext.exe (new)
x06hener 2008-01-16 21:05 Rev.: 3057

Removed an unused variable

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • c_runtime/sendData: sendData.cpp (+1 -1)
x06hener 2008-01-16 21:03 Rev.: 3056

Fixed some signed/unsigned warnings

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • c_runtime/sendData: sendData.cpp (+3 -3)
x06hener 2008-01-14 10:37 Rev.: 3050

Added some missing files

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • c_runtime/sendData/release: libsendData.a (new)
x06hener 2008-01-14 10:20 Rev.: 3049

Added some missing files

78 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • Compiler/VC7/Setup: Setup.vdproj (+78 -182)
  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/Release: libQtCore.a (new), libQtGui.a (new), libQtNetwork.a (new)
x06hener 2008-01-13 01:11 Rev.: 3046

Added some features to the new plotting package

972 lines of code changed in 13 files:

  • Compiler: Ceval.mo (+37 -1), SimCodegen.mo (+2 -2), Static.mo (+25), System.mo (+18), Values.mo (+2)
  • Compiler/VC7/Setup: Setup.vdproj (+105 -4)
  • Compiler/runtime: systemimpl.c (+94 -5)
  • c_runtime: Makefile (+1 -1), simulation_result.cpp (+45 -4)
  • c_runtime/sendData: humbug.cpp (+50), humbug.h (+40 -1), sendData.cpp (+504 -51), sendData.h (+49 -15)
x06hener 2007-11-13 17:51 Rev.: 2967

*Added some features, e.g. a line counter, error links
*Saved files now correctly set antialiasing mode when opened
*Updated Qt dll files

656 lines of code changed in 16 files:

  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4: celldocument.h (+3), cellfactory.cpp (+3), document.h (+5), graphcell.cpp (+266 -8), graphcell.h (+59 -31), notebook.cpp (+40), notebook.h (+6 -1), xmlparser.cpp (+13 -13)
  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/Release: OMNotebook.exe (changed), OMNotebook.pdb (changed), QtCore4.dll (changed), QtGui4.dll (changed), QtNetwork4.dll (changed), QtXml4.dll (changed)
  • OMNotebook/Pltpkg2: graphWidget.cpp (+17 -7), graphWidget.h (+244 -242)
x06hener 2007-10-09 17:45 Rev.: 2942

*Updated to make compatible with omc changes

37 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/Release: OMNotebook.exe (changed), OMNotebook.pdb (changed)
  • OMNotebook/Pltpkg2: Pltpkg2.vcproj (+16 -15), graphWidget.cpp (+20 -7), graphWidget.h (+1 -1)
x06hener 2007-10-09 16:57 Rev.: 2941

*Removed some debug library dependencies
*Removed some unused function arguments

21 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • Compiler/VC7: omc.vcproj (+3 -3)
  • Compiler/VC7/sendData: sendData.vcproj (+4 -2)
  • Compiler/runtime: systemimpl.c (+2 -1)
  • c_runtime/sendData: sendData.cpp (+11 -17), sendData.h (+1 -1)
x06hener 2007-10-03 12:21 Rev.: 2939

Renamed some functions to avoid name conflicts on Mac

5 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • c_runtime/sendData: humbug.cpp (+1 -1), humbug.h (+1 -1), sendData.cpp (+2 -2), sendData.h (+1 -1)
x06hener 2007-09-26 14:58 Rev.: 2935

*Added the sendData project to the VC7 directory

105 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • Compiler/VC7: omc.vcproj (+1 -1)
  • Compiler/VC7/omc: omc.sln (+1 -1)
  • Compiler/VC7/sendData: sendData.vcproj (+103 -50)
x06hener 2007-09-26 14:37 Rev.: 2934

*Removed print statements
*Reintroduced option to build without Qt
*Changed some rml calls
*Added sendData.vcproj

362 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • Compiler: Ceval.mo (-7)
  • Compiler/omc_release: Makefile.omdev.mingw (+10 -6)
  • Compiler/runtime: systemimpl.c (+10 -10)
  • c_runtime: Makefile.omdev.mingw (+17 -11)
  • c_runtime/sendData: humbug.cpp (new 107), humbug.h (new 78), sendData.vcproj (new 140)
x06hener 2007-09-25 18:55 Rev.: 2933

And the pdb file.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookQT4/Release: OMNotebook.exe (changed), OMNotebook.pdb (changed)

(22 more)

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